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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I used to have it on Tivo also but I sold that when I went to the Army.
  2. I've been looking for that video everywhere but I can't. If anyone has it post it please!!!
  3. I think what bothers me most about the posts in this thread is that those who don't like rap,"crap", hip hop or whatever you want to call it pretend like the music they listened to in the 60's, 70's or 80's was so much better. There was plenty of songs about drugs and sex in those era's as well. Now I'm just waiting for "The 60's and 70's were a different time, there was a war going on...Yada,Yada,Yada,Blah,Blah" post. What a crock of Sh** that excuse always is. I hate when people say that crap. There were songs about sex and drugs in those eras and people embraced it because of the political climate of that time and now those people ARE who they're parents were. Get over yourselves people it's nothing new if you don't like it don't listen to it but please stop badmouthing it.
  4. My sisters ex-boyfriend is WVU's punter, Scott something. Really nice kid a little too clingy she said though. I got to wear his Big East champoinship ring a few months ago. Its too bad she broke up w/him I'd like to wear his national champ ring if they go all the way. I told him I'd date him if he makes it to the NFL.
  5. If done correct nothing will shrink
  6. I am suprised to find someone who is in agreement with me. Ephedra was ruined by the meth head as well as those who used it with no sense of discipline. As far as the Steroids go (test, winny or whatever combo of aas that is common in the NFL now) If used by someone who knows what they are doing is less harmfull than Booze, Weed or even nicotine.
  7. BTW Boldin is the best athlete hands down over any of those guys. The guy played QB in HS along w/ playing corner and he was awesome at both I mean AWESOME. I wish I had stats but I seen him make some amazing plays. He layed such a hit on Travis Henry in this one playoff game that Henry had to sit the rest of the game.
  8. I will get Flamed for this I'm sure but I'll be honest I'd rather see a player get longer supensions for DUI then for steroids. I really don't care if a player has juiced or not and as far as ephedrine being banned...Gimie a break!!! Next they'll be banning caffine before games.
  9. He probably said "Imagine it's Buffalo out there remember how easy that game was?"
  10. You know today I was talking to some and friends about playing pickup games when we were in High School and it occured to me that we have a lot of talent comming out of where I'm from. I'm 28 and have lived in West Palm Beach most of my life. I remember playing pick-up games in the Riveara Beach area (not the greatest of areas) that involved Fred Taylor, Reidel Anthony, James Jackson, Johnny Rutledge, Anquin Boldin, Vince Wolfork and Vinny Sutherland. There were a group of younger kids that wanted to play but we never let them. It wasn't untill today during conversation That I relized in that group of kids were Devin Hester and Santonio Holmes. Needles to say Friday night games are a big deal around here. I was wondering if anyone else has stories of playing pickup games w/ players who were NFL bound.
  11. I don't blame this loss on Nate nor do I think he is "sucky" I'm simply stating he isn't winning any games for us so why should we pay him 8 mil. Thats alot of money for someone who is simply "not losing the game for us" Why don't we give Lindell 5 mil a year since he didn't lose the game for us either
  12. ...I liked hockey
  13. I agree with this 100%. I've been a Bills fan since I was 9(1987) and I've never been as sick about this team as I am now, they are getting WORSE not better.
  14. Who are these OTHER TEAMS?
  15. The problem with this is that Nate has become one of these "maybe" players. I would'nt be happy if we had a DE with 2 sacks in the last 2 seasons or a RB w/ 2 TD's in the last 22 games. 2 int in 22 DOES NOT cut it. Could you imagine if Schobel had 2 sacks in 22 games and was getting paid top dollar?
  16. I see where your coming from and respect your view I just am tired of how crappy these lines are BOTH lines and am willing to sacrifices a "lesser" corner to improve one of our lines. Nate cant play "tight" because we can't get pressure. He would have nothing left by halftime if he didn't give a bit of a cush. the way this pass rush is. Alot of our sacks are coverage sacks and I give the credit to our secondary. I think people overlook that aspect. We will never be suceefull if we rely on nothing but coverage sacks. We need to get to the QB bottom line.
  17. Yes I do believe the Lions have more talent on both lines. I'll take their combined 130 career sacks vs. our 80(50 from Schobel) any day. I know, I know stats don't matter thats why they play the game. Well the game was played today and it looks like they are still better then us. As far as the Oline goes we have Peters, Preston and then 3 rejects. I'm not so sure we have much talent in the trenches at all.
  18. I know the Tip drill I've played ball. The point is that he could tip 10 balls a game but he is getting paid to do more. I want him to make PLAYS. Do something, ANYTHING to make this team win. When was the last time we won a game and after all anyone could talk about was Nate. I don't remember that ever happining.
  19. Your right actually every time he's in coverage it's the DLine's fault they don't get sacks, I mean he's doing his job why can't they do theirs? LOL. This thread is too much.
  20. Think about that last statment. Nate has tipped the ball in the air but the other DB's can't catch it? Why doesn't Nate stop "tipping" balls and start catching them himself. Maybe he should be playing vollyball.
  21. Clements is a good corner but he is not worth the money we are paying to him. He should be doing a better job out there thats right I said BETTER. He makes tackles and thats fine but if I'm going ti pay a corner that much he better avg. more than 1 int per 11 games(which is what he's done the past two seasons). Who is he shutting down really that earns him 8 mil a year? We have given up quite a few passing yards this year if no ones noticed. While our offense hasn't scored 3 TD's in a game since the Miami debacle. I'd rather take my chance w/out Nate "The Playmaker" Clements and spend some money on improving our O-Line. The only people on this team worth defending are Fletcher, Moorman and Evans everyone else is suspect. Don't get me wrong I'm a Jp supporter as well as a fan of Mcgahee but I would like to see someone step-up and EARN their pay because the last two games have been really bad. I LOVE my Bills and will live and die with this team no matter what but I'm starting to get weary of seeing other teams PLAYMAKERS and FRANCHISE PLAYERS step it up. When are our guys going to step it up? It's been 7 years. I hate reading negitave posts and I hate writing them even more but just because we "beat" Miami and Min. don't mean jack. I guess I'm just tired of defending some of these player like Clements and I don't understand why some continue to pretend that we are "better then our stats" or "better then our record sugests". We're not!! and as soon as our powers that be relize this the better. Like I said before I will live and die with this team and I hope that we continue..Ahem START to improve.
  22. That brought tears to my eyes I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
  23. Bunch of fake names. JDG seems to be the theme. Not so sure about Scott Law though maybe a real name there.
  24. How about the Indiana Jones Trilogy? I agree with alot of the ones mentioned already but I have yet to see this one posted. My top 5 being: Star wars 4-6 LOTR Star wars 1-3 INDY Back to the future Note: sorry didn't see that Bart already posted Indy.
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