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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Here's a vote for the WORST Goonies
  2. Ninja Gaidain(sp?)
  3. Hell Yeah!!! DD was tha Shiznit!!!
  4. That is the Funniest thing I have seen in my life(or today). LMFAO :wallbash:
  5. It was 4 on 4 and I used to see how many goals I could score in one game. 104 I think was my best. Mike Tyson's punchout Metroid Contra Tecmo Zelda (the first one) Blades of steel Metal Gear RBI Baseball Were all great.
  6. The TBD mafia has been called for a sit down to discuss "The Great Crash of '08".
  7. Every time you guys plan this meeting it reminds me of a mafia sit-down. Is someone going to be off'd tomarrow?
  8. If only this was real...
  9. Okoye was great but Bo Jackson was DA MAN!
  10. He was the man in Tecmo Super Bowl
  11. Someone's been paying attention to "Dancing with the Stars".
  12. ESPN is reporting that the Phins want a 1st rd. pick for him. Parcelles must be dreaming. Taylor is too old to warrant a 1st rounder. If I were a team in the market for Taylor 3rd is as high as I would go.
  13. I'm with ya Pete. Just like Ole Jimmy and Allen say, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" Well It's 4:20 Somewhere.
  14. I haven't thought about him in years... lol
  15. So should laud them for doing their job? J/K (see Ray Lewis) I worked for the NSA a few years ago when I was in the army. There are many successes you will never hear of and it's better off that way. God forbid Americans wake up out of this perfect dream they call reality.
  16. I thought this was supposed to be a pretty strong draft.
  17. Nah, I don't want Hardy in Rd. 1. I wouldn't be disappointed with him but I'd rather Harvey. Thanks for giving me credit though.
  18. I have a sick feeling that we're going to draft Manningham.
  19. I don't agree. I think both Whitner and Lynch were needs more then they were BPA.
  20. I'm sure that it does.
  21. So what does that imply?
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