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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Good for you. I wish even 10% of the country would do the same.
  2. I get that but what I guess my biggest problem with this is the people that use more then they could or should and then complain about it. Like the housewives that drive a Hummer and then go home and B word about gas prices. Or the guy who drives an F250 just because he can then tells me how much he has to spend to fill up his tank. I understand that some of these trucks and vans and jeeps are needed for work or large families but other then that why is someone driving an Excursion? To get noticed is my best guess. Hey I know let's get the biggest gas guzzling truck and drive around the parking lot for 10 minutes looking for the "closest" spot to get our Dry-cleaning. Then we can go home and complain about everything from gas prices to lack of exercise.
  3. Tom Waits is a musical genius. Love some of his newer stuff actually.
  4. Goes to show you the demographic of who's still buying albums.
  5. There's no way it can work without Kelly. This is a travesty to what I thought was a classic.
  6. As much as I hate'em the Braves are very well run as it seems. They haven't placed lower then 3rd in 17 years, 4 NL titles, 1 WS and 14 Div titles in that same time span.
  7. So making it to 4 straight SB's is pathetic but cheating is acceptable. I'm stoned out of my mind right now but that statement you made is so stupid that I'm sobering up. Thanks a lot. Moron.
  8. I'm watching the NASA channel now and there's no anouncement. Just doing an interview with 3 Astronauts on the space station.
  9. That's fine. We also can't see air but we all know it's there. Pat's are cheaters and what's worse is that there fans turn the other way instead of being appalled. That doesn't say a whole lot of a Pat's fans character or lack there of. Have a nice life of denial and low morals.
  10. 48%. Barely a Yank. Not bad I guess for a South Florida boy.
  11. Weird... I wonder what the comic is about? I searched but can't find much about the content of that issue.
  12. Did anyone else notice the comic book? It seemed to be a city floating above another city with the headline "Hidden Land!". Also something about "The Voice of Warning". Anyone have any thoughts?
  13. I knew you'd like those Pete. That Thriller video is great too.
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