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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I don't want anyone to think I was badmouthing hunting. I wasn't. I was just trying to make a point. Hell I've been hunting and in fact, gator huntin'. I was just trying to make a point and used that as an example.
  2. Would Trent Edwards be Smithers?
  3. I'm going to see "The Strangers" in a little bit and thought I would eat up some time this morning. I actually thought I'd have pissed more people off.
  4. Thanks. That was the after I got home from my first tour. So, I was.
  5. Look I'm not going to keep arguing with you, I don't have any personal beef with you. You win. I lose. Are you happy? I like posting here and enjoy reading a lot of the posters on here. I've been doing it for 8 years now. I have yet to make any enemies and I'm not going to start now. If you don't agree with me or like me then thats fine. I can live with that.
  6. Umm, you brought up hunting first I was just elaborating on a comparison you had made. And yes, yes you are correct that is my position. I feel it is completely fine to hurt the environment as long as you don't complain about it. You're pretty sharp for picking that up. Did I hit a nerve with the hunting thing?
  7. I'm a 30 year old business owner whose done 2 tours in Iraq, I am a single father and make enough money to have both us live nicely. Do I smoke weed, yes I do. I am hardly a pothead but on weekend when my son is with his mom I have a nice time with the herb. I may not be the best speller but please refrain from calling me something I'm not. A Burnout
  8. And you see one in me? lol. You have no clue. BTW, nice job with being a D!ck.
  9. Unfortunitly, I doubt half the people on this board know who those people are.
  10. None of waste is okay. Some people however, choose to not just throw their hands up in the air and say " it I'm goin' huntin'" Now that, my friend, is typical.
  11. Nope but damnit I'm sure it will, damnit... I'm sure it will.
  12. Speaking of "judging" what makes you think I'm a hippie? In fact I'm not even close. To answer your question though, I do live in a decent sized place and maybe I do use more electricity then is needed BUT what I don't do is B word about the price of electricity. I take responsibility for my A/C and washer dryer bills and never complain. What I guess I failed to translate in my post is that the people who are bitching most about gas prices are the ones driving Yukon's. I think that is ridiculous and those people can do something about it but chose to whine instead. I'm sorry if I came across as some hippie activist that was not my intention.
  13. What facts do you speak of. Not that I want to get in a debate but I'm curious.
  14. http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/91472 "it now costs $100k to own and keep a similarly inefficient full size pickup running for five years." I don't feel sorry for anyone who has a truck or SUV and is paying out the a** for gas. If you didn't have the foresight to see that the increase in SUV and Truck sales would effect the economy the way it has then you deserve what you get when you pay $80 to fill up your tank. Exception of coarse to big families or those that need these trucks for work. Other then that though the average single guy or gal that drives a Hummer or Expedition is either an idiot or doesn't care about the effect they have on the economy or the world we live in.
  15. I must be really stoned...
  16. I think Bobby April is going to be a head coach in this league sooner rather then later.
  17. Good analysis. It makes sense now to me why he took 83. I'd have done the same.
  18. I just took a look at your avatar... dude, that is a classic.
  19. Which is why I would kick this guys head in.
  20. I would've hit that guy over the head with an effing cpu monitor. What a jackass.
  21. Speaking of Being John Malkovich. Spike Jonze is slated to do the film adaptation of Where the Wild Things are. I'm looking forward to that.
  22. I have a sneaking suspicion that this kid has a HUGE chip on his shoulder and he wants to be a star in this league. That being said, with his potential and that chip working hand and hand we could have a star. Let's just hope and pray for the kid that he don't get caught up in his own past and that he gives his kid as well as other kids someone to look up too.
  23. A couple of my favorites.
  24. Hilarious!!! I'm watching that tonight! That scene where's he's flying and giving a thumbs up while Bill Hader is shaking his head had me coughing up my soda...
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