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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I can agree with that list for the most part. Although I think the Texans and Cards are about a spot too high.
  2. I have a Hunch we're not going to keep Crowell and that we'll be drafting a LB in one of the first 2 rounds next year.
  3. I couldn't agree more. Theron was the best part of that movie and even Keanu wasn't bad but Pacino was waaaay over the top.
  4. It was actually Chris Berman's way of announcing that Pitt had just drafted him. It always stuck with me.
  5. Chris Fuamata-ma'afala He's one bad Ma'afala.
  6. Jack is Jack, there are no surprise's with him anymore. You always know what you're gonna get when he's in a film. He tried to go a different route with "About Schmidt" but that didn't work out too well.
  7. I wish they'd put that law into effect here in FL. People on cell phones suck at driving.
  8. Pacino has had great moments and he USED to be one of the greats but now he's just on screen yelling in every movie. He's a caricature of himself. He doesn't seem to try to become his character anymore, sort of like Jack Nicholson in the last 20 years.
  9. She's a beauty. Kinda big for my liking but at least her headlights are on.
  10. I didn't say Harvin was better. I said he was more exciting. Did you watch that highlight reel? Damn tha boy's good.
  11. Ahhh screw it, It can't be worse then what they usually put out. At least Friends is proven.
  12. Was that an offer 'cause I don't swing that way
  13. I'm guilty, I think Friends was a funny effin' show. I think a movie will be cool. At least I didn't go to the sex in the city movie.
  14. Is it a little gay(not that there's anything wrong with that)to be excited about that? Because I am.
  15. just to start a friendly debate I think this guy is the most exciting player College Football has seen in a while Percy shows no Mercy If this kid was bigger he'd be #1 over all IMO.
  16. Just found this great site that has all the top prospects video highlights. http://prodraftguide.net/videohighlights.html
  17. I know he'll be gone before our pick but George Selvie would be my pick if it's somehow possible.
  18. I love this quote by KO when talking of Fewell. "I told him I'm ready and I'm not going to let the team down," said Simpson. "I'm ready to play."
  19. Well, in the state of Florida Oral sex is illegal yet the only argument I can find to support making it legal is "It feels good". Just because that law is in place though isn't going to deter me and my GF from doing it. The point I'm trying to make is just because a law is in place doesn't make the law right. Some laws are out dated or just plain ridiculous. Hell, I just read a story about a lady who was arrested for cursing at her overflowing toilet.
  20. You want to speak of losing arguments. What's the argument to keep it illegal? Because the whole "impairs your driving" argument is just ridiculous. Especially when you consider alcohol is legal and does worse to ones driving. Give me 3 winning arguments to keep it illegal.
  21. Nothin' you can do for a broken toe.
  22. 1) I could give a rats ass if the government saves money or not. 2) Losing argument or not, it's true. 3) That's just a lame argument. I agree with you there. I'll give you a reason you didn't list -Here is a list of ailments MJ is known to benefit when used to treat: Diseases / Conditions AIDS (HIV) & AIDS Wasting Alzheimer's Disease Appetite / Nausea Arthritis Asthma / Breathing Disorders Chemotherapy Crohn's / Gastrointestinal Disorders Epilepsy / Seizures Glaucoma Hepatitis C Migraines Multiple Sclerosis / Muscle Spasms Pain / Analgesia Psychological Conditions Tourette's Syndrome Terminally Ill Is that a losing argument as well?
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