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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. That was such a great freakin' show! I wish it would have made it just a few more seasons.
  2. Krazy Kat's not even a Bills fan. That should be obvious to everyone. I've questioned her loyalty to the team twice with no response. She's probably a Pat's fan. Just leave her alone and she'll go away.
  3. Maybe I missed it but I didn't see where the quote said Bruschi wasn't a nice guy. It just said he wasn't a team leader like everyone thinks and that his team found him unlikable.
  4. I Just got back from an advance screening of Pineapple Express. It was pretty freakin' good. Might be one of the better stoner buddy movies ever made. Seth Rogan does a pretty good job playing the loser pothead trying to get it all together. Rogan overall, is good in this but he's playing himself, the same guy he plays in every movie. James Franco on the other hand pulls off what will surely be mentioned as one of the great characters in Dope movie history. He is going to be mentioned with the Lebowski's, Spicoli's and Woodersons as a pothead staple. Danny Mcbride who plays Red completes the trio as one of the funniest characters in the movie. Overall it's better then I thought it would be(I wasn't expecting much) and I think a lot of people are going to like it. I'm sure a few won't like it as much but then again it's not everyones cup of tea. Just think: The 40 year old Virgin meets Half Baked going into it and you'll be fine.
  5. I saw them about 2 years ago, they opened for Coldplay. Good show, they really got the crowd going.
  6. I agree, there seems to be something different in the air this year. I'm pumped too! I feel really good about this team.
  7. When I got out of the Army I was 164lbs at 6'0 that's skinny but then again when you're eating crap and in the desert heat all day it's hard to maintain a healthy weight. When I got home I hit the gym hard and ate about 300 grams of protein a day(that was the hardest part). Thanks to protein shakes and tuna it is possible. I made sure to eat every 4 hours, I even would set my alarm in the middle of the night to get up and down a shake. I gained 40 lbs in a year and a half or so. I still weigh about 200lbs but don't eat to gain anymore and I don't hit the gym as hard. Also Weed can help
  8. I think that he saw what he said he saw. You see not everything is black and white. There are many shades of grey when drafting a player, those are a players intangibles and those don't show up on the stat sheets all the time. Hardy scored 36 TD's in 33 games, I don't care if he gets great separation all the time or even some of the time, at 6'6 and a vert of 42 in. he should be fine with most db's being around him. That's his greatest value. If there are times that he can get separation and get down the field then great, at least that is something that can be learned. His potential is in those intangibles I mentioned above and sometimes they translate better when watching a player often as opposed to seeing him from time to time.
  9. Did you realize that the sportsline quotes and the NFL.com quotes are the same two quotes?
  10. Nope I didn't miss those at all, I just think the kids had a tough past and I think it's hard to not root for a guy to turn his life around.
  11. Seriously, why are you a Bills fan? If their is nothing you like then why are you a fan?
  12. Why are you picking it apart. You speak of relevance yet how is picking apart this statement relevant? The guy made a simple and irrelevant statement... big whoop.
  13. What's wrong with someone having some optimism? Not everyone can be as bitter and angry as you, some people like to stay positive. That's part of why they are a fan, that's where some get their enjoyment. In fact now that I think about it, why are you a fan if you dislike most things about the Bills? If all you can see are the negs. then why do you watch them on Sundays. It's one thing to be critical but you seem to see very little good things about the team you root for. It just seems weird to me. Part of what a Bills fan goes through in disappointment is redeemed by their optimism.
  14. You should change your screen name to "RayO'Sunshine".
  15. That looks f'n awesome. I'm not familiar with the novel but now I'm very interested.
  16. That's great but I'll take the decline in special teams just to get Mularkey outta here. Overall Jauron has been an upgrade. So I'm not sure of the point you're trying to make.
  17. Andy Dick is a grade A douche. I'm glad Lovitz slapped the sh-- out of him.
  18. I hate to burst everyones bubble but Lee Evans ain't doin' Jack Schitt if Peters is sitting out. Peters in the key to our offense. We need to be getting our best player his due.
  19. That's weird considering he mention's the Marshawn thing and that only happened about 1 month ago...
  20. I told him D&C for sure. I mean the soundtrack alone on Dazed is worth the buy. Everything about it was just on point. It was near flawless. Fast times was good but I always thought D&C was better. I have also been in hopelessly in love with Milla Jovovich ever since watching it for the first time.
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