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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I think the old Padres uni's were by far the worst in any leagues history. Like a Hershey's bar with mustard.
  2. Ummm... How long have you known your "coach" and is he okay with this?
  3. Hell, what's to stop them from crossing the boarder and becoming Free Agents?
  4. Actually I would like to see something from Evans. I'm kind of tired of him getting off to a slow start every year. When and if he ever becomes a superstar in this league then he can take it easy in preseason but he needs to show more in the first half of the season. I hope that the coaches let him get some extra work and maybe knock off the rust early this year.
  5. Yeah, that happened here in my neck of the woods. It's a shame and whoever did that should've got the ax. Funny as hell though.
  6. I loved the violence. They did it in such a funny way. Like them calling "Timeout!". I thought that was hysterical, so typical of how me and my friends used to get into it growing up.
  7. I wasn't really raggin' on you dude. Just making a joke. I'm stuck here in WPB so I'm not really one to talk.
  8. Alright. Let's see in the above thread it was stated that there is a spot in SoCal that was 812 degrees, in that same thread it was joked that you, Chef Jim, were the Ferryman to Hell. Being that you lived close. Then in this thread, you stated that Atl was indeed a hell hole. What I did was state the irony of he two stories in regards to each other being that you made the comment. I thought you would catch that being that you were the one who made the comment. Now maybe it was a bad joke or maybe you're just being a d!ck I don't really know. Hopefully that clears it up for ya.
  9. Too bad I'm here in WPB. If you're ever down here though, then you're welcome to chill.
  10. "This is how I make a doggie, see, Ruff Ruff. Hell, I love shadow puppets."
  11. Says the guy who doesn't live too far from an 812 degree "spot in the Earth" and the guy in Ohio.
  12. Nice... I'm lucky enough to have the NFL net. So I'll be taking bong hits and watching in the comfort of my own chair.
  13. Don't forget Less then Zero... I think his books translate well to the screen.
  14. What's amazing is that the Russians came in through via California. The sad part is that no one noticed being to busy tanning, surfing etc. What baffles me is why Georgia?
  15. I'm not sure if anyone else here enjoys his work but BEE's new movie The Informers looks intriguing. New Brett Easton Ellis Movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xfx9ohZxvw
  16. Wait...You mean Peters is holding out?
  17. Apparently you haven't been reading. Our coaching staff sucks.
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