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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Well if you consider that Moon played 6 years in the CFL and still managed to put up those NFL numbers it's pretty freakin' amazing. If you combine the yardage of the 2 leagues he threw for over 70,000 yards. That and he is in both CFL and NFL Hall of Fames. There is no discussion.
  2. I respect your taste in music Pete so I'm going to ask what you think of the Foo Fighters cover of that song.
  3. He does while he's swimming, they just don't show it on camera. He actually has a couple of midgets swimming behind him and cleaning up just like the guys who pick up after the elephants.
  4. Think about the type of metabolism you'd have to have to digest 8,000 or even 10,000 calories a day. The guy is a freak.
  5. The kid is sick, just sick. Another World Record. This kid needs to be mentioned with the greatest athletes EVER.
  6. That's fine and all but you can have all the talent in the world and still make poor decisions. I'm a fan of JP's and have been since he was drafted. The kid has all the talent in the world but he just doesn't seem to get "it" whatever "it" is. I hope that it clicks for him one day I really do either here or elsewhere. He's everything you want from a QB on paper(or message board) but I'm not sure he has the best instincts in the world and NFL QB might be one of the most instinctual jobs around.
  7. I thought I had posted this a while back but I suppose not. Anyways I posted the video of "The Alabama Leprechaun" in another thread but I thought it deserved it's own. So without further adu here is
  8. I agree, it seems like the next generation of Bills "fans" has no heart. They definitely seem week in the gut. I know that these are not the bills fans I grew up with.
  9. I'm okay with that one. I don't think there's a bad choice with that one.
  10. One thing we can take away from last night that seems to be getting lost in the TE/Losman shuffle(shocker!) Is that our top 3 picks all made a nice play last night. Between the the 3 you had a TD, Sack and a very nice runback. Hopefully this is a preview of things to come.
  11. I am a Trent supporter and I agree 100% with this assessment.
  12. I love the guy in the blue hat. He makes the best face. Also the remix is pretty funny.
  13. Good point. It's nice to switch from time to time. It !@#$s me up good.
  14. Ahh sorry. My sarcasm meter has been on the fritz.
  15. Brady is actually not a bad pick. I'm not a fan but He will post numbers, He's got Moss and Welker catching his passes and wether you like them or not those boys can play.
  16. I think any of those 3 would be good picks, I think LT will post the best numbers though.
  17. I swear to god people are so dumb it really is funny. If anyone who has said this team sucks because of the first two series of the FIRST PRESEASON game has the nerve to change their opinion after the second or third or even fourth then you're whole credibility is shot. People can't see past their own stupidity and it's pretty comical. If after the first 8 games of THE REGULAR SEASON we still are stinking it up then it would be a fair to assume this team needs something else by way of what ever the opinion of the week is but until then the idiots need to stop pretending they know anything about how the NFL or Preseason works. These are the people that start QB controversies and then complain that there's a QB controversy.
  18. It's pretty funny actually, I swear people think they have it all figured out after one PRESEASON game. What a joke .
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