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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I didn't say it was the same situation, I was just saying sometimes you gotta know when your not wanted anymore.
  2. I wish Bush had the balls to step down a couple of years ago when the country turned against him. At least Musharraf realizes that he f'd up and is doing something about it by removing himself.
  3. Actually it' pretty funny that he registered 3 years ago and never posted until now.
  4. Thanks. I gotta keeps'em away from the leprechaun though, you do know that he lives in a tree and is out for gold. Or it could just be a crackhead that gotta hold of the wrong stuff.
  5. His becomes more of a douche every year. Here's to you Douche Brady
  6. His short in that was the best of the four.
  7. I think that they'll end up keeping either Hamdan or Baker on to be Trent's back up next year. JP will be gone after this season and it makes sense to have a young guy whose already been in the system instead of drafting a mid-rounder or even spending bucks on a FA.
  8. I think Myers might be able to pull off a serious role.
  9. I don't understand the whole "put a pair of balls on my truck" trend. I mean really? Is that how some people express their love for balls? Look don't get me wrong I have very strong feelings for my own balls but to love balls so much that some need to drive around with a pair hanging off their truck, well that I just don't get. Is their anyone here that loves balls so much that they feel they have to show the world their testicle adoration by putting a set on their truck or even car? Can someone explain why this is a trend?
  10. Let's not forget that he also had a hand in directing Sin City and writing Natural Born Killers and True Romance. His work of late IMO is not on par with his early 90's work but his movies have always been fun to watch. QT is one of my favorite directors due to his over the top realism. The guy's not Spielberg or Marty Scorsese but that's what most of his fans like about him. His movies always seem to have more to the story and he's good at leaving intriguing plot points up to the imagination. Over the top as his movies seem to be, there is always an element of "cool".
  11. 44 years old and you're just now noticing the thing in between your legs? Life's rough dude, life's rough.
  12. It' like reading Shakespeare. You, my friend, are a talented man.
  13. Is this him? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0373136/
  14. That's still a steal. Nice find.
  15. Thanks. I love that guy. He has to be one of the funniest people I've seen on an internet video.
  16. HUH???!!! That's after a split right? You have roommates right? If not I'm moving to whatever area you're in because that's insane.
  17. That is on par with some of the craziest sh-- I have ever read. Really? I mean really? Dude we have got to chill sometime just make sure you bring whatever green you've been smokin' because that sh--'s gotta be some Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka sh--.
  18. I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. What I meant by that statement was that a ring or two is the only way Mcnabb should be uttered in the same sentence with Moon, He's never gonna do it with his stats or by any other means that I can imagine.
  19. Just to be clear: Anyone who thinks Mcnabb is in the same league with Moon either was too young to remember how good Moon really was or they just need a head examination. It's like trying to compare Big Ben to Bradshaw, while Ben is a good QB he still has a long way to go before you can compare him to an NFL Great. Mcnabb is on the downside of his career and he doesn't have enough time left to even come near what Moon ever did. If by some miracle he wins a SB or two then we'll talk but until then there is no comparison.
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