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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Okay maybe I misunderstood that part of it. My apologies. As far as the missing link. I don't think that evidence thus far has proven anything regarding a missing link. But we can just disagree. Tell me then about a spontaneous generation. How is it that life came about? Because scientists are not sure. Where did life come from? There are many views about it but NONE have been proven. In fact they have even tried to recreate the right conditions for life and the only result were created amino acids. Which tore the case down even more because the amino acids that were created were left handed and left handed amino acids destroy the chain of amino acids therefore they can not support life. Would you be open to the idea of life on Earth being brought here through bacteria on comets or meteors and evolving from that?
  2. You're right about that. When I was in the Army during AIT I ate everything I wanted. I had pancakes and eggs and donuts and cereal for breakfast. 2 Steak sandwiches for lunch and Burger King for dinner. I lost weight daily. In fact I lost 20 lbs in 4 months eating whatever I wanted. I used to order whatever I wanted and was still hungry.
  3. Good video. What that proves though is that were all made of the same thing and it can be traced to the 12 and 13th chromosome. I don't deny that we have evolved. That's obvious. Some people today are being born without wisdom teeth which to me is proof enough of evolution. Kidding aside though. Were is the proof that we evolved from apes? I understand that we are very close to the ape chromosome wise but where is the proof that we evolved from them? Where is that missing link? I could just as easily show you the empty tomb of Jesus and say "Look there's evidence that he rose from the dead". We both know that's not going to change you're mind. Again I'm being objective here and I don't claim any religion. Just that I believe there is a God. I wish there were actually physical proof of him but then what good is faith? If they had found the missing link between humans and chimps I'm sure it would be national news and unless I missed it I have yet to hear of such a discovery.
  4. In this case it might be true though. Peters plays a position that can trigger either great success or great failure. He may not be the best player on the team but he definitely is a MAJOR key to our season.
  5. Ummm. The burden on proof is on both believers and atheists. You can't prove that we came from the big bang or evolved from apes. In fact I dare you to try. Why is it that you feel the need to attack or look down on others beliefs? Because religion starts wars? I can tell you that it is not religion but closed minded individuals like yourself that start the wars.
  6. That's a pretty good squad there. I like the Mendenhall pickup. Having him and Parker will be a nice tandem when Pitt plays weaker D's.
  7. That is a very telling statement and I agree with it 100%.
  8. So being that you never educated yourself in astronomy or bio-chemistry you have no opinion of life on other planets? It's just an opinion.
  9. Do you believe in aliens or ufo's? I'm being serious here.
  10. "My wallet's the one that says bad mother!@#$er on it"
  11. Right but in the context it is being stated in it becomes opposite. It states "Love is Patient" which is true "love is kind" also true, then it states "Love is not jealous" And in the context of this sentence it is being stated love is not achieved with "jealousy". If love cannot be achieved with jealousy then they contradict each other and love is faulted. While it may not be the exact opposite as in black and white they are the opposite like brown and white are.
  12. They're not refusing though. They just want him in camp before they reneg. I am all for Peters getting more cash but he has no leverege and is ruining his career. The Bills have time(lord willing) to find another pro bowl LT(lord willing again) in the near and distant future, Jason Peters only has one career and he's ruining it.
  13. Most do but the bible doesn't "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud"
  14. A lot of those have to do with Gods laws which were amended in Jesus' death. No, though I have never read those.
  15. If you really want to get the wheels turning think about how jealousy is the opposite of love and God declares himself as love(God is Love) and how he also declares himself jealous. So either he is both Love and Jealous(we can go into a whole discussion about that if your up for it) or the bible has a flaw.
  16. Deuteronomy 6:15 (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. Exodus 20:4-6 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: {5} Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; {6} And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
  17. Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
  18. Chad Johnson I know he didn't hold-out but he laid out the threat and the Bengals did not budge and when he came to camp he got his reneg.
  19. The Bible says that God is a jealous God therefore giving him one of our flaws but then again if jealousy is a flaw then how can God have it? Again I do have faith in God but it is conundrums like this that make me question everything I am preached either by the devout OR by science.
  20. What makes them think that is that the Jests now have Favre and the Phins now have Noodles Mcgee throwing the ball. So the Bills must have to suck. I swear that's as far as their rational goes.
  21. I guess I disagree, I don't think a radio show host who is nationally syndicated should be a homer and if they are then they should have the balls to have others opinions. If it was a local show then fine but they seem so clueless sometimes and it gets annoying(to me at least). I could care less if they like the Bills or not but if I wanted to hear Jets and Cowboys radio I'll move to NY or Dallas.
  22. Golic said 7-9 Greenberg said 7-9 and Kasilias said 6-10. Schmucks, but they do think the Jets are going to the playoffs. Those guys are one of the biggest jokes on the air. If they took callers they'd be demolished and they know it.
  23. Unless that same God purposely puts people in the situation of rock bottom so they will turn to him. Some need desperation as a path. Then again, what does that say about their God. Well if it's assumed that God created all then how can we/they question his methods? It's a believers most important element of faith: To trust in God. This is why it is near impossible to convince someone with faith that there might not be a God. The foundation of their belief is just as strong as yours, mine and anyone else's. The way I see it is that a Religious life is a fine way to live and shouldn't bother anyone. While many are hypocrites, there are just as many if not more that are good citizens. It's more of a morality issue then it is a civil. I could care less if my neighbor worshiped a freakin' Beta Max. As long as he's not out being a menace then who really cares? I can talk about this subject all day but I know that I'm not convincing enough to change anyone's mind and I'm okay with that. The problem with any religious conversation is that people get offended when you disagree with them. Look there's no proof of God other then what has been offered in the past i.e. the story of Jesus and etc. At the same time though there is no evidence that we came from apes i.e. The Missing Link. So the truth is that nobody knows and it's my opinion that no one will ever know until they die. So people pick a team and play the game because in death is the only way to determine the winner.
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