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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I get why people think it's funny the way the cop responded to her taunting but I think as a police officer he should ignore her taunts unless he fells threatened. I think the police should be held to a higher moral standard. If they react as the rest of the mob then they lose the respect of the mob. The over-reaction is uncalled for and he should be punished.
  2. That's funny... I thought the moral was those cops are so angry that god blessed them with small manhoods that they went aggressively after a female protester. I hope they feel better now, poor guys.
  3. If both guys were Brett Favre he'd like that sandwich.
  4. People that CAN take the heat are you're pet peeve?
  5. That's what I was thinking when The Bears cut Marcus Monk. I mean really? Really? How can you not make the Bears WR squad?
  6. Like Kids and stuff? Drop Kick! Breakdance Fighter Kick! Party Kick!
  7. I'll give you an analogy as to why we don't understand God. Disclaimer: This is my opinion and only my opinion. I have a dog and I keep him in a kennel when I'm not home. When I come home and peak my head in the door he is in disbelief. He simply can not understand how I can disappear and reappear. As far as he knows all food comes from me and me alone. I am the one who designates when he goes outside. Now he is simply a dog. It doesn't matter if he is the smartest dog in the world. He simply will never comprehend that I bought him and now just control his actions for the most part. To him I am like a God. To him I determine everything he does and he treats me as if I'm the end all be all. Which is why he is loyal to me and me only. Just because he doesn't understand how I can do my "magic" doesn't mean it's "magic". He just doesn't understand what I do because his brain can only take in so much info. I see God as the same. I see evidence that there is a higher power. You may not but I do. I am incapable of ever understanding what God might or might not be. It is foolish and presumptuous to pretend any of us know one way or the other. There are things we can not explain. Some call it God and some coincidence. I guess it just depends on how you want to deal with it. The way I see it, there is nothing wrong with not believing in God but preaching it is NO DIFFERENT THEN A CHRISTEN/CATHOLIC/MUSLIM ETC. PREACHING THAT THERE IS ONE. There is no difference in believers and non believers when it comes to this discussion. I sincerely doubt that we're going to figure out whether God exists on OTW. It's a great discussion to have and I'm enjoying it but what makes it better is the way it's being had.
  8. Sterling Sharpe might disagree. According to him it's 7 cylinders.
  9. Don't forget about the guy who used to play for the Bills that we ran of of town and now we want back.
  10. I thought I'd chime in here because for years I've been in the service industry. I have worked some of the finest restaurants in Palm Beach and was a Bartender at a couple of Sports pubs here. I've been an on site wine expert and now Manage one of the nicer restaurants here in South Florida. My thought on this is this: You get what you pay for. If you go to a nice restaurant and I don't mean Outback Steakhouse. I'm talking about somewhere where a 100 dollars a plate is a cheap dinner. If you're dining at such a place and your server says "No Problem" at any request by you then he does not belong there, unless he has built a certain rapport with you then it might and I stress MIGHT be acceptable. On the other hand if you're at Applebee's and a sever says those same words then I don't see where that's wrong. The difference being this: Someone working at a finer dining establishment is doing it as a professional in most cases. Also in most cases they are trained as a professionals by people who care about where they work. If you look on the other side of that coin you'll see someone working at an average restaurant. They are usually there as a part time job or just to get through college or maybe a housewife trying to make a little on the side for the family. Either way I can see your point if you were expecting a nice dinner but you don't go to McDonald's and expect a great, juicy, 1/2lb hamburger. I'm sure if you were making 40 dollars a shift and were expected to deal with the a**holes that thought they were better then you all day then maybe you'd give 2 sh!ts if a customer complained. If people treated a lot of the servers and bartenders out there better then maybe they would treat the customer better. I'm sorry if that deal doesn't work out for some people but that's the way it is. Bottom Line: You get what you pay for.
  11. I wouldn't mind seeing Trent for a quarter or two. This is still only his 2nd year and in a new system no less.
  12. :wallbash: -For a short time Schefter played bass in the rock band Foghat and can be heard on the "Fool for the City" album. -Adam portrayed "Tommy" on the sit-com "Alice" for 6 episodes during the 1978 season. -Adam currently has a weekly spot with Sid Rosenberg (790 the ticket/am sports radio station). -Adam has a sandwich named after him at a restaurant called "The Shack" in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The "Scheft Schandwich" consists of white bread and a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  13. It seems to be such a scarce name among athletes these days.
  14. That drives me nuts too. People are so lazy. My biggest Peeve is people who drive around the parking lot looking for the best spot. Park anywhere AND WALK you lazy fuggers.
  15. Speaking of Jack, Is there anyone in the NFL with the name Jack anymore?
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