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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Why don't you and BB send me another one of your xmas cards and I can put it back
  2. The pic was taken of the server damnit! I'll never find mustache olan mills pictures like that again . Look up olan mills on google images, there's a world of funny there.
  3. It was obvious IMO that the guy was going to be a bust. There was waaaay to much smoke for there to be no fire. The guy had more issues then Playboy.
  4. Sorry about your loss. Heres one for you grampa
  5. You're wasting you're breath. Anyone who thinks that Palin is comparable to Obama is apparently set in their way.
  6. Riiight. Don't you think though that if running for president of the United States and your picking someone who might have to replace you, you might want to know that person. If McCain is just picking her based on "his people" and only that then maybe his judgement is to be questioned. I didn't really question it before but now, after your point I can see the light. So thank you.
  7. I know how intensive it should be but considering McCain admits to meeting Palin on only one occasion, I'm thinking they didn't really cross all the T's on this one.
  8. This sentence rings true for just about anything...
  9. Yeah and the rain continues. Were getting hit by the bands from gustav today. HEAVY winds are coming through as well. I was just watching my car rock from side to side and I'm in freakin' West Palm! It's all calm at the moment but we can't take too much more rain w/out flooding setting in so here's hoping that Hanna stays away.
  10. I see the Gints cut him. I wouldn't mind seeing him on our PS.
  11. McKinnie might have some off the field issue's but he's a damn good tackle.
  12. Do you wear that creepy ass mask when this goes on?
  13. Don't be so sensitive, you both have great mustache's.
  14. I think he was caught at a concert w/ a couple of joints just after the SB.
  15. This war however is built to sustain and with McCain more wars might follow. More war = more spending. Our country is going to sh-- and being at war in foreign nations hasn't helped thus far. So why don't we focus on social programs and rebuild what has been destroyed in our country over the last 8 years. If people really must be at war then why not wait till we get our own sh-- together. I'm not jut talking out of my ass here either. I've been to Iraq twice. I'm not in the Army anymore but in my MOS I did have top secret clearance and I still have friends in the Army doing the same job. In fact, one of my really good friends is in psyops and one thing they have all been able to agree on is that people here have no clue how this admin. is affecting the moral of the people who serve. Not only that but recruiters are having a hell of a time because of our policies. Go into a room w/ ten 18-25 year olds and ask how many will join our military. After the crickets are done chirping realize that our whole country has become disenfranchised with itself. McCain will not help that. In fact I can only see him hurting the moral of our nation. The problem here is that Americans think they have some entitlement to whatever helps them advance their prosperity and they feel this way without ever wanting to give back. "Make me richer, make me famous, give me this, give me that". Do something people!!! Make this country great again! We have ruined it and we have put people in charge who placate to our selfish wants. Anyone who does not see that a change is needed is blind to the world around them. By the word "change" I'm not implying Obama is the answer either. IMO though he is a better choice. We need to do something about the damage we've done, this personal la-la-land tunnel vision has got to go.
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