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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Zero turnovers + 1 Penalty + Special Teams putting up points = WIN 99% of the time
  2. Darien Barnes gives someone a concussion. He's the attitude we have needed on this team for a long time.
  3. Happy Super Mother F***ing Opening Day Mother F***ing Birthday!!!!!! If you can't be pumped today then you will never be pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash:
  4. Sammy was a 2nd. Right after Flozell Adams who I was praying we would draft.
  5. I agree. If we had a guy on the Bills with as much passion as him I'd feel better about our team.
  6. IDK it doesn't seem to bother the tighty righties that Bush has met w/ the Bin Ladens AS PRESIDENT. So you tell me which one concerns Americans more? Palin doen't seem to be able to manage business or her kids. I think that's the point.
  7. Is anyone really surprised? If it happens McCain will be the pres. and WWIII is right behind. Yipee! I'm glad to be out of the service now. I almost re-enlisted about a year ago then I realized there are a bunch of reckless morons running this country.
  8. I didn't make a jump to there so I don't know what your talking about but an oligarchy is either definition. If you can't see this country is being run by the same people over and over again then you're just turning a blind eye. Do you really think good ole' dubya would have ever been president if daddy wasn't first? I'm not throwing any conspiracy theories around, I don't really believe in them but anyone who thinks this country isn't in control of some of the most elite corporations and families is just not paying attention. The lobbyists make sure this country is not run by who the people really want. Don't you think it's kind of weird that the last 3 elections there has been no GREAT candidate? It's always the lesser of the two evils. Every effing election is the same. Which one is not as bad as the other. This country hasn't had any real leadership in quite awhile. Think about why that really is.
  9. Or a government ruled from behind the scenes by elite families. For example: Kennedy's, Bush's or Clintons.
  10. You haven't missed anything. All the Tighty Righties are on the defensive like they've never been before. They realize that McCain has screwed the pooch and are overly protecting Palin.
  11. Pablo Fransisco does a damn good impression. Maybe he can be the next voice guy...
  12. He's the most clutch 3rd down WR we have. He seems to always be beyond the 1st down marker.
  13. April 26th, 1992, there was a riot on the streets, tell me where were you? You were sittin' home watchin' your TV, while I was paticipatin' in some anarchy.
  14. I've become a fan of his more and more through this year. What a story.
  15. Wow it's 85% to 15% Edwards over JP. That was a little surprising.
  16. I was just looking for an excuse to tell you that you're named from a dildo.
  17. Pretty funny for a guy named after a dildo...
  18. Sorry to hear that bro. My prayers are with her and you. Uh Oh I said prayers!!! DUCK! I'll have a beer w/ ya.
  19. You must LOVE you some Michael Moore. Hell I couldn't fill 50 pages about my Mother and I love her or at least I thought I did. Why are you so obsessed w/ Moore that you get excited when someone defends him? It's just a little strange to me that's all.
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