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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I love the Avatar. Count me in that fan club.
  2. It wasn't too long ago we were in a similar situation. It's nice to be on the other side for once.
  3. The Bills choke? And what the Jags have been to the SB how many times?
  4. Yeah, but they found them behind the couch a week later along with a pocket watch and Icky Woods.
  5. I love these new ad's that Reese's has been doing with the music and slow animation. It's very simple and it makes me want candy. This one's my favorite
  6. Lance has turned an amazing career into a Matthew McConaughey joke.
  7. I love it. The guy's not a master of words but who cares? He doesn't have to keep the Tom Clancy readers happy just us fans.
  8. I couldn't agree more. The guy is the Barry Bonds of Cycling and yet he gets a free pass. I don't get it.
  9. I am and yet I still think this idea is retarded.
  10. In what world is Chris Sims better then Losman? Not that I'm a huge Losman supporter but I'll take him over Chrissy Sims any day.
  11. No, No, NO NO NO!!! JP is a good #2 and I would rather not have to play him and Moss 2 times this year.
  12. What are the odds now that Moss loses interest. I don't think he'll play as hard for Casell. The Randy Moss I've seen won't.
  13. This is the most excited I've been a QB in a while. He's a 2nd year QB with a 1st year OC and he looked to have a pretty decent grasp of a new offense. I think Turk and Trent will grow together and be a force in the future.
  14. Anyway you slice it those numbers are to be a tribute to good coaching. DJ and crew did their stuff well today and credit is due to them. These boys were ready to play and despite a few hiccups in the 1st they came through.
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