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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. If you think eradicating terrorism is a possibility then you're living in a dream land. That's like trying to rid the planet of ants, good luck. Truth is a lot of countries do not like us, I can't sit here and name each one but trust me, we are not in favor of the world. I also hate to be the one to tell you but I'm not talking any sound bite. I was in the military as an Army intel officer between 2002-2006 and yes that means I have Top Secret clearance, and although I may be out of the loop since then I can assure you I am not talking out of my ass when I write about our countries security. One remedy to the mess we've gotten ourselves into is to stop prying and start paying attention to domestic policies. The moral of our country is low and a change in leadership might get us to where we need be. Go talk to 100 people between the ages of 18-25 and see how many of them want too join the military. I guarantee you less then 10 would. That's mainly due to the debacle our "leaders" have created, and yes this war is a debacle. We, as a country and as a people are in worse shape then most realize.
  2. They'd be better off doing it behind Josh, He's a much better blocker then any other WR we have.
  3. Boo Freakin' Hoo, the media is biased, waaa! People should be able to pick through the media bias as we pick through poster bias on this board. The people that are voting based on what the media says aren't paying attention to what's happening in this country other then their complaining about gas prices. Americans feel entitlement to everything and because of that we are getting what we deserve. Hopefully enough people are waking up to change things but I fear we are too lazy as a country and most people are too set in their way. Unless something REALLY changes our country will continue to crumble regardless of who's president.
  4. Riiiiigght. Because it's the evil Dems that are killing this country, it's not the warmongers in office that have turned much of the world against us. They're just doing what's right. Right? What a freakin' joke.
  5. Maybe we should "left" off the Brownies instead?
  6. The truth is that we shouldn't be over there at all and it makes me sad that people like you believe what they see on the news about what's going on in the middle east. You say that Dems are lemmings because they believe what the media tells them, yet how can you sit there and pretend to know what's happening in Iraq? The problem here is that it's not you or me that are out of whack, we both want the same thing: To live in the best country in the world. It's the people running this country that are out of whack and if you can't see that then you're turning what seems to be a blind eye. Bush has MADE HIMSELF untrustworthy. The lefties didn't do it to him. Why should we trust McCain? He was a Bush supporter UNTIL he decided to run for office.Hell, I like John McCain, in fact I'd rather hang out and BS with McCain over Obama but it's that same mentality that got Bush elected and he was a disaster so... What was Einstein's definition of insanity again?
  7. There's a handful of posters here that disagree, to them it's more important to be right. Welcome to TSW.
  8. I used to score 10 goals before 1 min was up with that exact formula.
  9. Sounds like they were playing Nintendo's "ICE HOCKEY"
  10. I voting for the lipstick wearing pig, speaking of which when is Chelsea going to run for office.
  11. I think both the lefties and righties can agree that this is funny sh-- right here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dyNZvHa1W4
  12. I'd go: #1. OLB #2. DE #3. TE #4. C #5. DT #6. QB #7. G
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