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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Walter Jones had no problem doing it, for a few straight years IIRC. Maybe Jason thinks more of himself then he should at this point. If the guy played LT his whole football career then sitting out training camp might not be so bad but the guy has played his position for just 1 year.
  2. Love Venture's! Hunter S. is great. I really like what they're doing with the show this season.
  3. Why would we trade a very capable back up QB?
  4. I missed this before. Thank you and no I wasn't suggesting F it. Just a different approach because just blowing sh-- up isn't working.
  5. In fact if I remember reading correctly those drill's were of planes going into the WORLD TRADE CENTER not just some building.
  6. I didn't say that I learned that from the service nor have I stated anything that I learned while I was serving. One example of a lie, gee there are so many to chose from. How about this one: The white house denied ever being aware that the US would come under attack of planes. Quotes such as "Nobody in our government or our prior government could ever envision airplanes flying into buildings" Bush or Rice's "I don't believe that anyone could've predicted that they would use an airplane as a missle" Yet just 2 years earlier norad ran a drill of planes flying into buildings and the report was published. So either Bush and Rice are lying about knowing about this report or they are grossly incompetent.
  7. First of all do not belittle my service. I toured twice in Iraq and have given to this country, I don't intend to be mocked by you. Second, I can't stand Moore, he's a jerkoff. I've never seen Fahrenheit 9/11 and don't ever intend to. Do some research and see how many lies this Office has been caught on and then tell me you believe anything they say. Maybe he was at breakfast maybe he wasn't but I'm not going to believe anything but my own research.
  8. No, maybe I'd have breakfast with his BROTHER the morning of 9/11. Oh wait that was Bush. Funny that you brought that up. How much do you know about the attack? I'm not going to say it was an inside job but you should be able to see that there are some things about that day that don't add up. Terrorism is a war that we will NEVER win. It's like trying to bale water off of a ship with a hole in it.
  9. What did you not understand? You're the Newb here so don't come in here calling Bills fans who have been posting longer then you a Newb or anything of the sort. I can understand how it's confusing to you, being a Faider fan and all. After that I said I'll take you up on your bet but now I see you're only aiming for Dean. I know you're not the brightest so I wont harass you too much about your lack of comprehension.
  10. What kind of second rate team has different pads for different days of the week? Oh yeah, that's right it's the Faiders.
  11. He's been a member longer though, so, like you're team does best: You lose. And I'll take that bet.
  12. Yes, I am. My worry comes from seeing how good your team has played over the last 18 games or so. They're just so astonishing to watch.
  13. And you guys beat the Chef's. HA! You get funnier and funnier.
  14. The bet's not worth it. So what you'll show up on Sun night and disappear after that? Or maybe you'll stick around for a couple of days. A lot of posters are on here every day, the bet doesn't seem fair.
  15. I agree. Tell us how good your team is because the fans, the media and your owner all think that they stink. So tell us how your beloved silver and hack team is going to come out on Sun and win.
  16. Maybe people leave early there because it's such a freakin' nightmare to drive in "Freaksville".
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