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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. A few good valid points in there. I'm not so sure I agree with the Business climate section but overall this is a good article.
  2. Who said I didn't want to fight? You really are a dumbass making things up as you go along. Also, You can try to bait me with your whole "I only know Shield, Storm and Freedom, when did occupation happen?" but it only shows how childish you are. There was no bragging, just stating that you don't know anything but what the TV tells you. You seem to be the guy who experiences things through TV shows and news. Maybe you should grow a pair and give your "family" someone they can be proud of instead of "a guy who can't wait to put his McCain sign out!!". What an adventurous life you're leading! Mommy and Daddy must be so proud!! You're an armchair citizen and it's pathetic. I'm sure your kids really look up to you, you hero. No one should expect anything else though, right? I mean it speaks volumes about who you are when you chose a mask as your avatar. Ashamed of the person you've become maybe? It's okay though, not everyone has the balls to step from behind their mask and actually do something for their country. Some are just good at bitching about politics on a message board while their wife is in the other room talking to a real man whose actually battle tested. Listen up and listen up clear "Da Big Man"(another mask?) I'm done with this thread, you have taken what could have been a good conversation and destroyed it with your overpowering stench. I don't come on TBD to get "into it" with other Bills fans, it's not my style but you seem to be begging for some attention so there you go slugger. Hell, I know it must be hard to get attention in a house where you're considered a coward so I threw you a bone. I hope you feel better. Maybe the rest of us adults can get back to talking about things we either have experience in or at least have an education on without your man-child views, save it for Rush and Fox news, you're boring and predictable. Can't you see that most here have stopped talking to you? It's overdone and so are you. Like I said, I'm done with this thread, so you can type your response for everyone else to see, try to save face and prove you're not a douche. Good luck though, your doucheness is legendary, in fact you should change your name to "Da Douche Bag". If you want, PM me and we can set up a time where I can show you how "pimp" I am, I won't disappoint I promise. I can show you what men learn when they've gone to war. I can show you how not to be a p*ssy who hides behind gross sarcasm and anger. Then we can smoke a J together and you can be on your way home, a better man.
  3. This is my favorite part of your post. You work all day? Here's a cookie. I do as well, I work 50-60 hrs a week and my cookie is the mary jane I smoke, my "dope" as you call it. If you don't like it kiss my ass. As far as bad mouthing my country, isn't it my right to bad mouth whoever I want, whenever I want? I've served my country in a time of war, have you? You come on here acting like a hard-ass and try to piss everyone off. It's comical really and I'm sure you'll come back with a smart ass comment that will make you giggle but no worries we're all laughing as well. Keep posting I need a break from the McCargo threads.
  4. You are such an angry person. It's quite fun to !@#$ with you...
  5. Wow that took a while huh? I got my Obama/Biden sticker in the mail about 3 weeks ago. I wonder why they're so far behind the ball.
  6. Here's a new one for you... Asia Argento from XXX
  7. Looks pretty good actually... I had my doubts when I heard about this movie but things seem to be coming together.
  8. Horrifying. It looks like what would happen if Rob Zombie took over SNL.
  9. "Sen. Obama walks off stage after McCain pulls out his most famous of dance moves 'The sick' robot. This dance competition was all but over."
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