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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Russell throw's a screen into the bench!! Are they all stoned? I know I am. Is this game real or a joke?
  2. This is laughable. Farve threw it right into Huff's arms with no one around him in OT and he just drops it!!!
  3. That punt was the highlight of the game. What a joke. Didn't we USE TO play games like this?
  4. I am in love with Natalie Portman by the way so every time you post I get to see her beautiful face again.
  5. This is worse then watching pee-wee. Even the refs are hacks.
  6. Freddie might be my favorite offensive player on the Bills.
  7. If the Bills go 3-0 I'll sh-- a tiger and start a vegas show.
  8. Shhhhhhhh!!! It's all part of the plan. We are 5-1.
  9. I'm not 100% on this but I think we blitzed more today then normal. That might have something to do with it...
  10. I can not believe that I am agreeing with you. Lord you can take me now for I have come full circle...
  11. I actually liked Fight Club the movie better then the book, that's the only exception that comes to mind.
  12. Great ref. not so great a movie though, book was much better.
  13. They say babies dream in their wombs. What the hell do they dream about, seriously?
  14. I get to watch Ravens at Miami even though Miami never sells out, Yipee!!!!!!! I'm going to the Ale house screw it.
  15. I'm more worried about Sproles then anything else. LT is hurting and Sproles is very hard to tackle. The guy is just so small and slippery. Combine that with how we've been tackling and I smell trouble. I hope I'm wrong and we shutdown SD's whole O but...
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