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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Your right it was mostly Saudi's, Good thing we invaded Iraq!
  2. Holy sh-- that was funny as were the variations. I've never seen that before.
  3. I am in awe of the closed mindedness on this board. I have been to the middle east and I am a christian that believes strongly in my faith but to lump all of a region/religion into the "Extremist" camp is plain ignorant. Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and Judaism have all had their share of extremists through history, look it up. It's a never ending battle that will continue as long as the world does. I've been to Iraq also and it wasn't for pleasure, I've seen the extremists first hand and like all extremists their belief stems from a fusion of ignorance and closed mindedness. It's a battle of the witless and frightened ON BOTH SIDES OF THE LINE, a bad combo IMO. If people would stop obeying the news, politicians and silly DVD's they get in the mail and deduce what is really happening for themselves their opinions might change. The only difference between a westerner fundamentalist and a middle eastern fundamentalist is that here in the west everyone has the option and resources to think for themselves. We need to take advantage of that power and not close our minds off. This blind hate is very disappointing and discouraging to those of us that believe here in America EVERYONE has the right to believe what they want, anything else is un-american and should be unacceptable.
  4. By your rational Mark Rypien, Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson would all be better then Jim Kelly . You should think before you type.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raccoon_Dog I've never heard of this creature/animal. Then again I'm not from Asia.
  6. I thought that was because Canadians don't know how to use the Internet....
  7. Well SD, you see the term "Many" is relative in any case. "Many"(One of those words the more you type it the weirder it looks) in most cases is a quantifier that is indefinite. So generally speaking 2 intelligent "Dolfans" would equal many. The problem here is I have yet to meet more then 1 Dolfan who is smarter then my 3rd grade son. The truth is a smart Dolfan is like an albino, they are out there but they tend to not be seen in the light of day. Fact: The only time there is more then one smart dolfan in the same room is when there is a group of Bills fans rooting for them against the Patsies.
  8. Yeah dude, really? :ph34r: I'm not gonna mess with you though we all got our different tastes. Lost is good.
  9. That's right draw those putrid porpoise's out. *In my best Warriors impression: Dolphags come out and plaaaayyyyyyy.....
  10. Every year about this time some of our regular Phinatics show up to lay a little smack. Where are they this year?
  11. Weeds is great. I don't have premium channel's anymore either. Where can I watch it online?
  12. Talking about not wanting to catch something in the middle. I didn't start watching Lost until this last season. Thank god they're showing reruns on SciFi and G4 because I was confused for a while there and still am on some things!!! Me watching this last season of lost----> After watching some of the reruns------> Hopefully after this upcoming season----->
  13. I want to get into Heroes, my friend has the first 2 seasons on dvd. I'm guessing you would say it would be well worth it...
  14. I like Man vs Wild but I think Survivor man is better. Les Stroud is the man.
  15. Sunny and Lost would round out a top 5 for me. Great shows.
  16. Alright, it seems as though I'm going to be spending a considerable amount of time at home for the next couple of weeks due to unforeseen circumstances(illness in the family). I'm curious as to what everyone here thinks are some of the best show's on right now. I'm already a huge fan of "House", "The Office" and I'm getting into "Sons of Anarchy". IMO those are 3 of the best shows on TV, what's everyone else's top 3? My order goes like so: 1. The Office 2. House 3. SOA This will be fun and maybe everyone will pick up another show or 3
  17. I agree, in preseason he was quite explosive. Maybe it's just nerves. I hope...
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