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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. That might be my achilles heal, the ratio is more like 1/2 here.
  2. You're a good dude Oliver. The Taco's on you and the drinks are on me.
  3. The sad thing is that I used to break codes for a livin' and you've stumped my with Taco Bell, Spain and Mexico. No wonder I'm in a new line of business...
  4. Green cards or visas? IDK just throwing things out there...
  5. Yeah I had to take a couple when I went for my TS Clearance. I went through the voice and regular process, it's nerve racking and that can cause false positives.
  6. You know what? You're right, I never thought of it in those terms...
  7. Gas stations that sell "Spainish fly" in the bathroom?
  8. As a registered Dem. I find it disturbing, I believe balance is essential. Not that the difference between the left and right is that wide anymore...
  9. Mike William's Twinkie budget? You can take that both ways...
  10. Really? #1 One of the biggest problems the muslim extremists have is our presence in Saudi Arabia and yet the Saudi gvt. welcomes us there. #2 What has Israel done for you not to trust them. That's a strange statement. They need us a lot more then we need them. If they turned on us every islamic state would jump on that and go after Israel w/out us backing them.
  11. I don't watch hockey really, I'll watch Buffalo when they're on but that's rare. My question is this: Why do they use real glass around the rink? Is it easier to see through then plexi or is there another reason? It just seems that glass/tempered or not would create more problems then it solves.
  12. I'm not sure I agree that coaching was the sole reason. In the first one we were out coached, in the second we were outplayed and in the next two, well maybe a little of both. I see what your saying though. Parcelles and Gibbs were great coaches while JJ had a great staff around him.
  13. 2 Months ago this board was filled with "fans" such as KrazyKat telling all of us how we sucked and that we would be garbage this year. I wonder were they all went? I know you're still active KrazyKat, so I'm calling you out, where have you been? Do you not have anything to say unless we suck?
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