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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. IDK if you were or not but it's a hell of an idea and might pave the way for one hell of a 2012 run if all goes well. It would be another sad day in America but we ask for this kinda sh--.
  2. Everyone laughs but I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this in the future...
  3. My buddy lives next door to Dana. He snapped this pic one morning before work. She looks really different without makeup... Dana Jacobson
  4. I was a critic of Evans before the season started but his solid play this year has me believing. This will be the first time you refuse a pole from a nekkid guy, won't it?
  5. My hopes for a #1 pick is playing tonight. George Selvie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJZLb6jdnZ0 I'd love to see us grab him and move him to LB
  6. There are a few of these. Great stuff... Busey on Dyslexia
  7. YEAH! F' em!!! I got your back Deano. Let's go kick some Coaxial ass...
  8. Ya dude it was total buyers remorse on their part.
  9. To say the least but I still dream of a girl that pays all the bills and lets me do what I want, that and she grew some of the best shhhh I've ever been around. Damn her mental illness!!
  10. Just remember that you used your 2,500 post to tell SiC to screw off!!!
  11. I feel ya man. I think I lost about 1000 or so posts. I had to start over as a UDFA
  12. Here's a story that involves Guinea pigs. I was dating a girl whose family died in a car crash when they were hit by a DD, she was 16. As devastating as that was she got quite a settlement check. She took the money and bought herself a condo outright along with a car outright. She took the rest of the cash and put herself through Dartmouth. Smart girl and very wise for her age. Well I dated her when she was 24 and she was about to finish her Masters from FAU and was on her way to her doctorate. She was quite the girl and I admired her for what she had done with her life after surviving the tragedy (she was in the car too and was the only survivor). Not only all of that but she wanted a husband who stayed at home and took care of sh-- while she practiced as a therapist. She was going places and she loved me and wanted me along for the ride. She was a local celebrity of sorts as the whole community was aware of what happened. Hell she was on the front page of the palm beach post 5 times. Also she was the girl in the Smashing Pumpkins video "ROCKET" IDK if anyone remembers the video. She was the little girl on the bike in yellow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpgEt5ZuxT0 After being with her a few months, while lying in bed she told me that she used to buy Guinea Pigs with the intention of killing them. I thought that was strange but she had been through a lot and I was about to just let it go. Well after a few minutes I decided to ask her how many times she had done this. Her reply "Over 40" I looked at her and said nothing. The next day I was gone and have kept in touch from time to time but "Over 40" still resonates in me, She was also the girl in this JayHawks Video. Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9rFR2Jll1I
  13. I'll be honest, and you and me rarely agree but I think while having more potential then one human being should, he has always been over-rated. Last year he was very good but 1 good year does not a superstar make. Maybe last year was the fluke(I doubt it) we wont know for another year or three.
  14. In other news James Hardy has come out and stated if it weren't for "little guy's always covering me" he'd be leading the league in receptions. When asked to comment about why he isn't the leading vote getter 7 games into his sure to be HOF career Hardy stated "Man, I'm good as hell, I might be one of the best in the league but there always little guys covering me" "It makes my job tougher" He continued.
  15. Oh wait! Does it help my argument that they too are shorter then the guy drafted ahead of them? Morris 6'2, Northcutt 5'11 and Plax is 6'5. People that are down on ANY rookie from this class need to get a grip. It's been 7 freaking games people!!!!
  16. Okay you win, but by your rational a guy like Plaxico Burress who was drafted #8 overall and had only 22 REC in his rookie year should have been worse then Sylvester Morris who was drafted lower yet he had 48 Rec. in his rookie year. Or even Dennis Northcutt who had his 39 rec in his rookie year. Do you see now how absolutely ridiculous it is to judge a WR in his rookie year. I don't feel like doing anymore leg work but I can assure that there are a lot more examples that support my argument.
  17. Your logic doesn't make any sense. According to you he should've taken the time out of an election to be POTUSA to fix Chicago therefore compromising his chances at election? Would you do that if you thought your policies would fix a country? Or should it go Chicago and then everyone else? Are you from Chicago? Is that why it offends you? If so then I understand to an extent.
  18. I think you guys are looking at it wrong. Hardy may only have 1 drop to his credit but he certainly hasn't caught some catchable passes that a 6'5 WR should. The first pass to Hardy in the Rams game wasn't statistically a drop but he should've caught that ball. Also the ball he didn't catch in the Endzone a smaller DB knocked the ball away. A vet catches those 2 IMO.
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