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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. CNN is doing hologram reports. We're in the future....
  2. I agree. I once watched a comedian who was being heckled call a girl that. It only took seconds for her husband to jump on stage and grab the guy. The whole audience turned on him.
  3. What ever happened to him? He hasn't been around.
  4. Apparently McCain, Obama and Palin got together earlier to "settle" some differences.
  5. That would be an awesome time. Just watch out for all the rioting...
  6. Eric Burdon also is in favor of WAR. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7_U-zj2gfE...feature=related
  7. Hittin' the bottle a little early today aren't we... What was it you did FOR Beastmode Lynch?
  8. While I agree that people are way too hard on Edwards, you are reaching. TE still has A LOT to prove. A LOT. Let's not go anointing him yet. Let's see if he shakes off these bad games before we crown him anything yet. Also, while I agree that ML has been less then sensational you can't say he's anywhere near one of our worst picks. That's just ridiculous and it takes away this posts' credibility.
  9. We've done that in past years. I think MM tried it a time or two.
  10. No it's not too early. I usually reserve my judgment on rookies till the 3rd preseason game before I know if their a bust or not but if you want to wait ALLLLL the way to the 8th game I understand.
  11. Why is everyone calling out Trent when Marshawn has flat out sucked the last 2 games? I think a lot of you idiots just can't let go of precious JP. So many people on here have an agenda and can't stand to be wrong. Get over yourselves and either enjoy this team or go root for another. Trent played like a 2nd year QB with no time yesterday and while he might have played like sh--, he still played better then both Lynch and Evans(who could not get open). Rag on them. This board is full of people that NEED to say "Na, Na I told you so" and they barely have a leg to stand on. Trent haters = McCain supporters. Grasping at straws. Get over it folks, you look foolish. Now, bring it.
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