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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. What has JP done at this point in his career that makes you think he can pull off a winning record? Really I'm curious.
  2. I agree Vick was a terrible QB. Great scrambler, but sh!tty QB.
  3. I'm sorry but Vick was a joke in ATL. He is not a good QB. If you're talking about signing him as a slash type player to back up at QB, then maybe but I doubt he'd want that. As far as Vick being a winner. Really? Michael Vick is a winner? Explain.
  4. I haven't really commented on this team during the last 4 games. In fact I've cut down my trips to TSW a lot. I've been a bit too bitter about the loses, so bitter in fact that to read all the posts by the chicken little's running around here might have been too much and I may have snapped on one or two of them. I've been a fan of this team for over 22 years now, I know not as much as many of you but more then a lot. I've been a member of this board now for 7 years and so I know the "sky is falling" drill that goes on every Mon/Tue. Then the Wed/Thur posts about how we can "Fix it" all the way to Fri/Sat/Sun's "We can win this thing" threads. This time it's different though. This time we have to be different about how we see this team. In this day and age we have so much info on teams and players that we get upset if we miss a post about so&so who is just sitting out a practice. We as fans want to run everyone out of town or throw them to the bench over 4 games. So many are ready to fire Jaroun after just talking about him being coach of the year just a month ago. Fickle. TE's head right now is low, that's the best way I can describe it. A lot like Eli 2 years ago and I think that the best thing we can do now is stay with him and let him get over this hump. Drew Brees played terrible his first 2 seasons, so did Mcnabb and Eli Manning. Their teams stuck with them however and those teams were rewarded by playoff births. I truly believe TE is a good QB and I think these next few games may be key if not THE KEY to where his career goes. If this guy mans up and shows the heart we all thought he had 4 weeks ago then I think he is our guy BUT if he let's all of these chucklehead's get to him and finishes this year awful, well, then we need to start praying that TE finds out what the deal is during THIS offseason. I think what Brandon and Co. are trying to do here in Buffalo is give us STABILITY, the one thing we have lacked for 10 years. Most newer buffalo fans only know of this changing of the guard every 3 years. I understand why people are calling for TE's head and Jauron's head. I GET IT. It's all a Bills fan knows of recently. It's this mentality however that will keep us in neutral with the gas running. I think the extensions are great and I think keeping the coarse with TE is crucial. This team can be good when their confident. TE may or may not be "The Man" but you can say that about 80% of this team right now. We're young(again) but one of the key components to taking a young team into adolescence and then into maturity is stability. The rest of this year may be the most crucial part of THIS teams future.
  5. Not here in WPB. Been on Bills the whole time.
  6. Check out this site... http://bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.php?...&order=Name Hanging leg raises are my fav. They suck though...
  7. Will this be Losman's soundtrack when he walks @ the end of the year?
  8. IDK, I'm not a political guru but I believe he could have done a few things better. Palin and the constant straw grasping did not help him one bit.
  9. I agree, all the Righties that woke up bitter about Obama's win last night need to focus their attention to their own candidate. McCain blew it. He blew it in so many different ways I've lost count.
  10. So if our 10th ranked defense gives up 100 yards on the ground to the leagues 7th best rushing offense we should fire Fewell? Yeah, that makes sense. Thank God you're not running the team.
  11. You're right. They acted like babies, big surprise I know.
  12. ABC's calling it too. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_pl130
  13. Yeah Tom, what's wrong with FOX News? They say that their fair and balanced, that's enough for me. Don't you believe them Tom?
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