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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Yes, yes I am actually, I enjoy 23 point victories, I like that our QB scored 4 TD's and that our 1st rd draft pick had 2 int's, 1 TD and a nearly returned another KO in a game that we scored 54 points. So yes I am very happy. Weird concept isn't it? Try it sometime.
  2. TE was a deer caught in the headlights on Monday. He has been and still was afraid until that long pass to Evans and that first rushing TD today. You could see his confidence transform today.
  3. And to think, it was behind the couch this whole time.
  4. I'm from Far Rockaway, NY. Trust me, homesickness is not in my vocabulary.
  5. My bad, I must have hit the +Quote button on yours by accident. I didn't even realize that was on there. Sorry.
  6. No, ass backwards is to find a way to negative on a day that we scored 54 points on the road...just sayin.
  7. No, don't you see? It's only "beating a dead horse" when something positive happens. A lot of "fans" on this board are only happy when they can say things like "I told you McKelvin was a bust". People can fill the board with that nonsense but God forbid people fill the board with good things to say about the team. If we lose next week they'll all be happy 'cause then they will get to utter the sweetest words they can pass through their lips: "I was right".
  8. I agree with everything you said about LeoMac. He will be a star, it might take awhile longer then some hope but screw those people. That being said, do you really need to be validated by the crazies on this board?
  9. We just won by 23 points and Trent accounted for 4 TD's, be happy. If you're gonna rag on the guy when he has a bad game the least you can do is let people be happy when he plays outstanding. He's having a pretty decent 2nd season. Let people enjoy it. Doom and Gloomers will have their chance again. I'm sure Trent will have other bad games, then all the nay-sayers can be happy again Freakin upside-down, ass-backwards fan base we have
  10. Nice spin on what I said. You must be a joy to debate with
  11. And we did. We scored the most points a Bills team has in 40 years. That includes the K-Gun.
  12. Owned the Chiefs, and all you haters look stupid today. Those 2 players looked pro bowl caliber, good job you TSW geniuses.
  13. Still not what the thread is about. This thread is about stability in the Bills organization and putting JP in, like him or not will not help the future of this team. We need to learn from past mistakes not repeat them.
  14. But the loses do? I didn't start this thread for a Trent, JP debate. That's a ridiculous argument and like your surname a never-ending battle.
  15. Don't use such big words, she doesn't read well.
  16. I guess INT's and TD's are more important then wins to you. That's fine you can have the stats, I'll take the wins. So when you ask me "What has Trent done"(to make ME think he can pull off a winning record)? My answer is this: HE HAS A WINNING RECORD! That's what I think about him pulling off a winning record. Now tell me more about Trent's sh!tty stats.
  17. You are so clever, listen sweetie leave the big boys alone. You're just getting in the way.
  18. Don't mind her, she gets pissy when the store runs out of her flavor yogurt.
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