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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Okay, well that makes sense. I'm only 30 so I don't remember a lot of the things that you stated. I do hope that Ralphie boy gets motivated.
  2. Wasn't Donahoe one of the highest sought after, priced GM's when Ralph signed him? If so what's to say he won't spring for a coach of similar stature. I'm just curious that if Ralph is so cheap what was the Donahoe anomaly? Why can't it happen again?
  3. I would say the loss to Pit a few years ago was about 10x's more crushing the 49er loss. I think Ralph is just very disappointed with the turn this season has taken as we all are.
  4. I'd don't play FF BUT if I did. I would start Lee Evans. I don't think JP is our answer but I do believe he will be playing his heart out. Look for Lee to have a huge game.
  5. The end of the world is upon us. Me & DBM agree!!!!! Good to have ya back you bastardo!!
  6. I think Poz may be over-rated, especially around here he is but I would not call him a squandered pick. He has a lot of growing to do and still hasn't even played a full season. I'll give you McCargo and Losman but Poz doesn't belong paired with them. He's been a bit better then average behind a sub-par line. A lot is made of Lynch's problems being attributed to the O line, well it works on both sides of the ball. A MLB's success is highly dependent on the people in front of him and while I think that Stroud and Williams are decent, Poz needs time to grow before calling him a bust. Just to go on record. This may be the first time I've ever defended Poz and hope it's the last. I expect him to be a good player for a long time.
  7. I love Bob Dylan and in no possible way shape or form comparing him to Lil Wayne but he put plenty of crap out there as well. Do you feel the same about how hard he worked? I'm just curious, not trying to start anything.
  8. Ahhh the ol' Moose penis excuse. Classic hollywood and their moose penis'(or is it peni when referring to hollywood?)
  9. WTF? Also has anyone else ever wondered why they ended the remake of POTA like that w/out a sequel planned? I'm all for leaving it up to the viewer but that movie made no sense at the end. Maybe someone here can shed some light.
  10. Haven't ALL grammy nominations been a joke since Jethro Tull won for best Heavy Metal album? Anyone who has put any value on this ridiculous award or who gets nominated needs a head examination. I'm not the biggest fan of rap but Lil' Wayne is good at what he does. I have more of a problem with Coldplay getting 7, really 7? haven't they just put out the same album time after time? That pretentious finger-taping monkey thinks the world is in love with his music. Wait till they all realize they've been listening to the same song over and over. Why don't they just nominate Nickleback while they're at it? There's some creativity for you . Again, I'm not a Lil' Wayne advocate, in fact I own 0 songs on my Itunes with him but I have heard him and he is talented. Not 8 nominations talented mind you.
  11. That's right, I forgot about that. Maybe it's JD also and that's why he messes with JD so much. It makes sense in Janitor logic.
  12. I just hope they undo the damage from last season. They really went off to left field that last season on NBC.
  13. I think that ruins it. You know it'll be something lame like Jan I. Tor.
  14. Mort is right for once. On a side note has anyone heard from Tim Graham since we've been losing?
  15. I think he was referring more to the diaper-wearing handicapped who eat crayons and make nonsense posts at least once a day on TSW.
  16. I do know that ABC is looking for a slot to stick Scrubs in. I'm thinking they're going to pair it on Thu. with Lost and Grey's to battle that monster NBC has on Thursday nights.
  17. Just to add on to that, now that I think about it. I think Cowher and Marty would require somewhat of overhauls, setting us back a few years. You know those are 2 coaches that will change our personnel to fit their scheme's. On the Other hand if we truly have the talent that I think we do, Bobby April makes the most sense since change of personnel under him should be more to a minimum. That's all just speculation and the green wizard talking, so who knows?
  18. The second one. We got no shot with Cowher. I hope I'm wrong but...
  19. I'm going to start my TOP THREE. Not to hijack but to bring some positivity. 1. Marty 2. Bobby April 3. James Lofton
  20. Has anyone mentioned James Lofton? I think he might be a good fit...
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