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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. THEY WERE CHANTING "LET'S GO DOLPHINS AT A BILLS HOME GAME That is blasphemy. Why aren't more people upset about this? Ralph Wilson has single handedly disgraced us as fans. We need to be REALLY pissed about this, I know I am.
  2. Aren't you tired of saying that every December? We deserve better. I am damn loyal to my team! Damn loyal. I just wish this team were as loyal to us as we are to them. They have the best fans in the league and they treat us like they don't owe us a damn thing.
  3. I live in SoFla where the Fin Fans can't even sell out a playoff game, so I'm not buying that logic.
  4. When was the last time you watched this team for any other reason then "They're my favorite" or "I'm from Western NY" I just want to know how they can fill seats over the last 10 years feeding us the same crap over and over. Maybe we're just stupid. The Bills are to football what McDonald's is to restaurants.
  5. Sipping the Koolaid. The Bills will be better next week Is that better? AAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.....Suspension time.
  6. I hope they lose they lose out because they deserve it.
  7. "The Cocaine" episode was great as was the "Living in Charlie's shoes"
  8. Which season was that? I guess my memory is a little hazed...
  9. Why not? I don't have the time, there's only 2 hours left until the Bills game.
  10. No one on this team plays well in adverse weather. Sad.
  11. I never said Tebow was a top 10 pick, in fact I think I said after the 4th round, maybe I misread my own post though. We will need to draft a QB most likely this year when JP goes bye bye. Tebow has scored 110 TD's in 39 games in the SEC and he only started 25 of those games. He's not "Just a running QB". I agree that the system plays a big part in his success but come on the guy isn't crap.
  12. I don't agree with this here. Chris Leak won a national championship under the same system and didn't even get to sniff the Heisman. Tebow might win it twice. The "system" has something to do with it but Tebow is a rare talent with twice the heart most of our team has. He may or may not be a franchise QB BUT he is a damn good football player with a great competitive attitude and seems to be a winner. If he lasts into the 4th or later we would be dumb to not bring him in, if even as a "trick play guy".
  13. Either you're joking or you don't watch the Bills. Lindell has had a bad few games in a row but he has been one of if not the most consistent player on this team in the last couple of years.
  14. Thank God. This really needed to be said. All the positivity on this board is bothersome. I'm glad someone is stepping up here and speaking the truth. Maybe now, that you posted this, Ralph will wake up(he reads these boards, you know, he posts under the name "Ieatcrayonz"). It's about time someone pointed out these flaws, maybe he'll take note.
  15. Why don't they show the whole interview? It seems like those words could potentially be taken out of context. What were the questions he was asked? First quote: "We're in a quarterback-driven offense where he pretty much has control of everything, where before the offense was pretty much driven through me. ... I just kind of become a role player instead of a guy that teams had to prepare for." What if the question to that were: How has your role changed since Farve has come to NY? I don't see a problem with that response. Everyone thinks Coles is selfish and out of line. Ask yourself this, why does the article only show his quotes and not the questions? Just believe whatever the media prints...
  16. I agree. We need some fire, we're stuck with neatly scented candles.
  17. I thought we were talking value here. Willis is a rare talent and he was taken very high. The expectations for him to come in and perform were high as they should have been. He delivered. Poz was a second rounder for a reason. Poz will never be Willis.
  18. And people aren't calling Marshawn Lynch young either. What's the point?
  19. That's only if he gets more then 10 seconds to throw. Don't you know our receivers avg. about 8 seconds to get open? J/K What I would like to see is JP just sling it. !@#$ int's just wing it against the fins secondary. If I have to watch one more game of our QB's tuck and duck move they are so accustomed to I'll just...Well I'll just!!!! I'll just wait till next week and hope things change, just like every other week.
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