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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I couldn't agree more. I said this last time we played them.
  2. I like this one better 'Dick Jauron! "Coaching for Amateurs" - read it.
  3. You only got a lol because I set you up... You have to work harder Steely.
  4. That looks like the worst gay porn movie ever, not that I would know or anything, I'm just sayin... Too bad he's not a black man with a mullet, you'd be in heaven right now.
  5. You're still cool in my book Cat whether we agree or not.
  6. You are a hair racist my friend, a damn dirty hair racist.
  7. Really? I think we need to start hiking the ball correctly...
  8. Would a Jerry Curl work? "Let your soul glo......Let it shiiiiineeee...."
  9. You're being unfair, the receivers should be faster...
  10. I'm not sure what game you were watching but it looked more like the Bills were taking Balls to the mouth all game.
  11. We can call ourselves "The Buffalo Corners", then we can have the "Fastest Offensive Line" in the league instead of the Biggest.
  12. I say we just field a team of corners. Even have them kick. We'd be the fastest team in the league.
  13. You keep going back to prices, there's more to it. Even if the world does revolve around money, loyalty shouldn't. "Deserve" is relative.
  14. I see your point Cat, I really do. It's deeper then just that though. We as fans have grown to love this team, raised on the Bills. If we chose to not support our team then we lose them to another city. So as fans we are put in a "catch-22" if you will. We love the Bills and want them to stay in Buff but why shouldn't they do their part to keep us happy? It's as if they're saying "We're getting payed anyway, screw the fans, if we lose we lose". You, me and the rest of us do not "deserve" that.
  15. I disagree Cat. Here in Miami, they can't sell out playoff games, in Jax they have to buy up tix to get games televised. As Bills fans sit in their freezing ass cold chair in the middle of Dec. at a sold out game for a team that they LOVE. Our "Team" looks like they just don't care. Being a Bills fan is not as easy but we love them. The team/coaches have no heart. Don't you think that the fans deserve a team with as much heart as they have?
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