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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=78597
  2. It looks like that's what he's doing either way literally, so just sit there and enjoy.
  3. I think the worst idea for a DVD involving a Bill is the new "Marshawn Lynch reads Moby Dick, while a Concussed Edwards sits and listens" DVD at Target.
  4. Yeah maybe at the end of his they can show us the ring he has...
  5. Mind you it's the STATE not the people. I just realized that could be misinterpreted.
  6. Doesn't this bother people? Isn't it bothersome to spend so much $ on a game that as it seems most cases is not even the highlight of your day. Wouldn't be cheaper to just park tailgate and go home?
  7. You sound like Dolfan I'd actually like. You can't be from down here.
  8. Then we're even. I've been laughing at yours for years. HAA
  9. I'm not a Pennington fan at all but what has TE done to make you think he is better then Pennington? I hope that Trent is the answer but he hasn't done sh-- in this league yet. Potential does not always = performance. There was a time that a lot of us thought JP was better then Pennington. We were wrong.
  10. Trust me Ralph isn't facing adversity, so again, it's not the same thing. I'm always one to laugh when times are rough, like I said I've always been one of the positive ones. At some point though, and I think yesterday was that point for Ralph, you have to SHOW that you give a damn. He is in charge of a billion dollar product and he got a little richer yesterday while his product and the fans of that product looked foolish. To hear that he was laughing while or after this happened is an insult to those who love their team.
  11. I felt the same way. I've always been one of the positive ones in the past. This has gotten to point where a loss doesn't even make me angry anymore, in fact it hardly even bothers me.
  12. I disagree. I have had bosses and I have seen them pissed after a business catastrophe, I have never seen a boss laugh after one. He should be the one who is NOT laughing. He needs to take a stand and say it's not acceptable to scoff at HIS TEAM. For you and I and any other fans that laugh, so what? We aren't putting that product out there. If he wants to laugh when he gets home, fine. But a businessman who laughs after being made to look like a fool portrays an image of indifference. Nothing pisses of the masses like a wealthy indifferent man who laughs in their anger. Ralph Wilson laughing may or may not be significant but that he has the balls to do it after disgracing his team and fans is unacceptable. My brother laughs when he's nervous or uncomfortable, if he laughed at funeral though I'd smack him in the head.
  13. Well that puts it all into perspective doesn't it? See though the problem with your theory is this: We are on year 3 of his tenure and no better then we were 3 years ago. Doesn't Jauron make personnel decisions as well? Why have other teams been able to do it faster? Fins come to mind and they didn't bring in too many big names in FA. So if you mean that Jaroun is the perfect coach for a team that spins it's wheels, then I agree.
  14. Pretend for a second that the Bills didn't exist.... Wow. Thank you!!!! I needed that, now if I could only pretend for 3 more weeks.
  15. I have to agree, if no one buys season tix, you can kiss the team goodbye. Along with that though, you can kiss goodbye mediocrity and disappointment. That's like saying, "If you don't go to McDonalds then you can kiss the clown goodbye." The Bills are the Ronald Mcdonald of the NFL. The Bills have given us a sh!tty product for 10 years now CONSECUTIVELY and they are all getting richer in this crap economy off of hardworking people's money. It almost seems like a scam to me. I don't live in western NY so I don't buy season tix. I will say this though, I will not buy one more Buffalo Bills product nor will I buy the Sunday Ticket until they prove they give a sh--. I work hard for every dollar I make. Putting it into the pocket of a man who laughs and scoffs at my dollar will no longer be on my agenda. Feel free to make Ralphie richer though, it's what a Bills fan does. Right? Flame me for saying this(I could use the light) but to keep spending money on These Bills in this economy is what a sucker does, that is unless you have the money to throw away, which I don't. The Bills are jumping the shark and the fans are giving them the money to do so.
  16. We will return, because we love our team. It's not a business to us. He knows his fan base is loyal and he takes the fullest advantage of that by not giving a damn.
  17. More like a homeless man's Rob Johnson. He is trash.
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