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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Well, I guess I shouldn't just come out and say that someone I don't know personally is an ass. My bad. I just read in a few places that he is a prude about his work. One story in particular involves this movie, scroll down. http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/1999/mar...awardsandprizes I've heard other things before but to be honest I can't recall specific stories, only that he came off like an ass. To be honest I don't care if he's an ass or not I was just being a d!ck. Whatever though he's a pretty amazing actor whether or not he is an ass.
  2. I agree great movie and performance it's too bad he's such an ass in real life.
  3. I know you will. I respect your taste in music Pete and those are some good ones although the SNF is a little iffy.
  4. One of my favs but I left it off the list for personal reasons. I love that ST. Zach Braff love him or hate him has some awesome taste in music.
  5. The thing about Zimmer like Elfman and Williams is that you know what you're getting everytime. I'm so tired of the Elfman sound that I haven't watched a Tim Burton movie in awhile.
  6. To get our minds off of the team we love I thought that one of our "List Threads" might cheer us up. We always come up with some great ones. So I offer a Best/Worst ever soundtrack list. I'll start: Best Pulp Fiction Swordfish Donnie Darko Rocky Star Wars I am Sam Worst Meatballs Dirty Dancing
  7. Shhhhhh! Damnit. He's waiting for the right time to unleash our "real offense". This is just to throw everyone off. In the 4th quarter of our last game you will see some amazing sh--.
  8. Do any of you guys know what the MLB's job is in the Tampa 2 defense? They are more of a support system then a playmaker with a particular focus. Their main duty is to support the run, cover vacant blitzing olb spots and to drop back in coverage. In our case Mitchell is our main blitzing LB and Ellison, being the smallest and the weakest of the three needs support in all area's. That being said, with the lack of pass rush that our 2 DE generate Poz is left with a lot of responsibility. That would be why he leads our team in tackles but it would also be why he isn't tearing up the field as a free roaming playmaker like an Urlacher. That and he hasn't even played a full season people! I get the racism card, I see it here from time to time but I think like Lynch gets a pass for the crap around him so should Poz.
  9. I'm a white guy and I can see it but It works both ways. I have seen many people scoff at white receivers and white RB's. I can specificly remember guys laughing at Seahorn playing CB. Racism is there but it's there from all colors. Poz has not played a full season and he has a horrid defensive line in front of him. I give him a pass on those 2 counts. Now after 2 or 3 years of him being mediocre I'll be asking for his head as well.
  10. BTW TPS, I never got your reports...
  11. Whew!! I thought we might have to rely on scoring TD's.
  12. LOL What? Prove that these same posters who want to protest were so enamored with the FO. I'll be the first to admit that I was happy when we were 5-1. I liked the Hardy pick but I never once said that I was in agreement with the FO. How can you justify your post? I think a lot of us were cautiously optimistic but that's it. I guess some are fine with mediocrity but 10 years of it is getting close to my limit. I have supported and defended this team my whole life and I always will but making a statement seems necessary. If you want to just sit back and pay money for 7-9 then you must be in heaven right now. In fact all of you that think doing nothing is the way to go must be fine with 7-9. How proud of your team you must be. I for one want Wilson to know that not all Bills fans are okay with losers just some...
  13. That was misinterpreted, I meant we're constantly getting !@#$ over by the one we love and just keep smiling.
  14. The bigger question is Why in this economy do we spend money on a losing product? Take your kids to Disney instead. At least it doesn't snow there.
  15. I see your loyalty and respect it. I am very loyal myself, almost to a fault. I will never root for another team as long as I live. But why? I love football and I love the Bills but they seem to be okay with our misery. I say they as the FO BTW. What happened Sun. was disgusting. It felt as though we were cheated on. A statement should be made, we can't stay mindless drones. Buffalo Bill fans = William H Macy's character in Boogie Nights. Eventually somethings gotta give.
  16. Of coarse Ralph's leaving with Jauron, Dick is the Grim Reaper after all. Ralph only keeps him employed to live longer.
  17. Doesn't it seem to you though that a lot of them have quit on us too? They are not like our troops. They get millions and millions of dollars whether we show or not. Soldiers get paid squat to risk their lives.
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