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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Me being 0-2 is a fluke. My win streak starts with you.
  2. The "weapons" looked equally as bad as EJ today. Watkins played scared.
  3. Three weeks into the season and we're 2-1 and in 1st place. I'm willing to bet most people here would've been happy with that start if polled at the beginning of the season. I like our odds next week and I like our schedule. The sky's not falling, yet. Let's get a grip.
  4. Tell us more Nostradamus, your wisdom is greatly appreciated.
  5. I think the problem today was penalties and poor execution. Fred was the only offensive player that looked worth a damn. Watkins really disspointed me today. He looked scared at times, he could have made a couple of catches if he put forth more effort, EJ made a couple of key bad passes, CJ seemed to sniff out the pile and run towards it, the O Line looked horrendous- ALL OF THEM, Chandler was average as usual and I can keep going. The only players out there that play like MEN on a consistent basis are Fred and Woods, the rest seem scared at times, I don't get it.
  6. Not really, most fans are fanatics of their own team and just pay attention to other teams they might be interested in(like how us as Bills fans pay attention to the Pats, Jets and whatnot). The rest of the league "football fans" just casually pay attention. A typical Chargers fan probably knows his own team, pays attention to division rivals and listens to and regurgitates what they hear about the league thereafter. I know for me personally, there's not enough hours in the day to be educated on every NFL team and I'm a football FANATIC. Jobs, kids, wife and so on come before football I'm guessing for quite a lot of fans. If all someone knows about the Bills is that their Dline is intense then they probably just repeat what they've heard, doesn't make them stupid.
  7. Hate to break it to you but that's how most fans view the Bills. I work with some hardcore football fans who know their stojan, and they all have said the same thing. However perceptions are slowly starting to change after the Miami win.
  8. Ditto. Before I got married I had a rule of no girl under 25. Can't handle the drama that comes along with it. I started that rule when I was around 29 or so(I was 36 when I got married). Made all the difference in the world.
  9. 46.8% of teams that have started 2-0 more than once and didn't make the playoffs have a 78.2% chance of making the playoffs as long as they win 60.3% of the time. However there's only a 14% chance of that happening 100% of the time.
  10. I've said it before, Doug Whaley is our best shot at returning to glory. Many wanted to crap on him for the Byrd situation, however that's why he gets paid to put together a team an they don't.
  11. So punching a drunk woman who hits you = Bad Leaving a 4year old bloodied with a stick = OK Got it. Not agreeing or disagreeing, just understanding your logic.
  12. Hahaha Really? The "free market" as you call it is wrong MANY times. Nick Foles, Alshon Jeffery, Julius Thomas and Knowshon(those are the 4 just off the top of my head) were all free agents in many FF leagues last year at the beginning of the season, while CJ Spiller was a top 5 pick. Yeah let's evaluate talent by what "FANTASY" owners say. Lol ridiculous.
  13. I think, but I may be wrong, that the Bills haven't trailed since they were down 7-0 in Chi. Not bad.
  14. Every year or two a poster like you will come around and be the smartest guy in the room. Usually(and I don't know you personally so I can't say, but you seem to fit the profile) it seems to me that the smartest guy in the room has run out of people to practice their antisocial/narsasistic behaviors on so they troll a message board sadly, and that's okay as you seem to be on point but you're definitely not original. I'm glad you're here to add to the discussion for now, however I'm sure it will only take a few weeks before you get board and move on.
  15. I live off of linton and 95, pm me.
  16. I don't understand this logic, 5 of the Patriots front 7 played college ball in the south, in fact both DTs and all 3 LBs. Why would they all of the sudden have issues with playing in the heat? They all seemed to do just fine playing in the heat in college. Wilfork, Mayo, Collins, Hightower, Easley all excelled in playing in the heat. Now they're vulnerable to it? Players having trouble in snow I get, but a player who has trouble playing in 90 degree weather makes no sense unless that player doesn't know how to hydrate.
  17. Ummm yeah, he's high as a kite. I could care less what color he is. If it was Big Ben, Johnny Football or Leif freakin Larson I'd say the same thing. There are plenty of racist fans around the NFL, Bills fans included but this has nothing to do w him being black. In fact I'll turn it aroun on you, if Tom Brady called Suh "Donkey Kong" he most likely would be seen as someone who was being a racist. However when Cam does it it seems to be fine.
  18. They must have given him a hell of a cocktail for those ribs. He was feeling gooooood
  19. I was about to post the same thing. It's funny to me that some people want the players to "act like they've been there before" when they score a TD, but when the team wins a regular season game we should throw a party. We should expect our team to win games period. I'm happy that they won but it's just a game right now.
  20. Show some compassion for the guy, he's obviously sick. Jail may be the best place for him right now. There are many people who have used experiences like his to eventually go on and help others. You never know where someone who is a "convict loser" may end up, maybe there are some on this board who have turned their lives around in order to help the next sick and suffering person....
  21. So the question is- is Watkins>Ebron+next years 1st? I hope so, I have faith in Whaley.
  22. I thought I read somewhere that Whaley said Ebron would've been the pick. I may be wrong
  23. I'm in agreeance. Keep Robey at Nickel and let Gilmore earn his starting spot back.
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