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  1. Clearly, you are in denial. Deep racism still exists in the South, and YES, people will vote that way because of it. Its saddening to think about, but its true. I think Barack Obama would make a great presidential candidate, and I am hoping he decides to run.
  2. A pretty ridiculous one I heard about is from politicians in Oklahoma...not sure of names right now. Basically, ad goes: "Politician X supports and defends murderers, rapists, and criminals. Don't vote for him." What the genius ad wizards failed to mention is that Politican X used to be the public defender!!!!!
  3. Not sure why Peyton Manning isnt higher.
  4. Exactly. I am trying to understand and grasp how he came to his own conclusions. And if he cant provide an explanation, then I resort to what I said earlier...he doesnt really beleive those things, and is an attention whore who loves to stir the internet masses.
  5. I thought you didnt have to justify anything to me? Now thats what I was looking for...a little spirited debate. Yes, I know how to stir up the debate pot. Call it a gift. In your world, an enemy should be killed? Explain this to me. Explain WHY we should all commit suicide. I want to hear your thoughts about all of this. I have not seen your other posts, so forgive me for seeing your original post and wanting to debate. Isnt that what an internet message board is for? A little discourse and debate? The floor is yours. I shall be open minded.
  6. JP HAS played good games though. Minnesota, NE, and even the Jets game was pretty decent. Im just playing devils advocate here. BTW, I wouldnt be so quick to throw him out after his 15th start. The name Drew Brees is very familiar. That being said, I am not opposed to taking a hard look at someone like Brady Quinn. Lets give Nate a shitload of money, then trade him for a first. Lets not resign Kelsay. Lets resign Fletcher. Draft a QB if necesary with one first rounder, and a big friggin DT with the other. Then Oline in the second, or via free agency, and we NEED to get a good pass rusher. Just some early ideas.
  7. Which exactly verifies every point I made about you. Thanks for letting me win this one easily. I've seen hobos put up a better debate.
  8. What you are spewing here is what is called a "self-displaced personality". In other words, on the computer, you can be anyone you want to be...you can post asinine thoughts, ramble with free extent, and elicit thoughts and responses to your liking. No idiot can possibly in their right mind beleive that America "unquestionably" deserves to be attacked. You say you will celebrate the attack? What if your family is involved? Will you "celebrate" it then? Im not a huge fan of internet message boards, because any baseless idiot can post garbage and not be held accountable for their statements. I would like you to step up and right a letter to the editor to your local newspaper about your feelings. Then, when you do, you can post the online link here for all of us to see. Step up to the plate, big man. Write a letter. If you think we "unquestionably" deserve it, and will celebrate it, then be held accountable for your feelings. But I know you wont do it. You reek of a displaced personality who loves the fact that he can get away with anything he posts on the internet. Thats why I think you dont even really beleive what you are saying.
  9. Are you serious? Why is that? Because the aformentioned people spoke their mind with Freedom of speech???? Kevin Tillman served this country in the armed forces...did you??? You assclown, no one deserves to be attacked by terrorists. You are a dick.
  10. They dont look real. Look at this clothing in the pictures. It does not look like it is immersed in water (i.e., the water does not seem to be affecting it.) Pretty sure they are fake, but I could be wrong.
  11. Wow...what a jackass. Take him off the Wall. Wouldn't bug me a bit.
  12. Lindell, Denny, the bills rookies, the Dline.
  13. Here are some quick thoughts. My first post here, so I'll hopefully make it insightful. WHAT A WAY TO START THE SEASON. Nearly beating the Pats, to thoroughly dominating the Dolphins IN MIAMI, I dont think Dick Jauron could have dreamt up a better scenario. I'll say first...I love our offensive play calling. Fairchild mixed it up with some "zone" passing, which allows for the receivers and offensive line to create blocks on the dolphins secondary after the reception. The best example of this was Roscoes TD that was called back. (Very interesting penalty, btw. If Roscoe was behind the line of scrimmage, then it shouldnt have been a penalty. Ill have to watch it again.) Willis McGahee played well, but he had the blocks he needed. Losman managed the game well, and was very accurate with his throws. He had poise, which means he is maturing really fast as a QB. I was a little disappointed at a few of the dropped balls, but it happens once in a while. Good thing it didnt cost us. The defense was spectacular. What more can I say? Daunte Culpepper has a great arm, some great weapons, and Ronnie Brown. And we held them to only a 4th quarter desperate TD? Youve got to be kidding. The D line was spectacular, as was the secondary. The linebackers played OK, and a couple times I thought they missed some tackles (mostly Ellison, but the kid is a rookie 6th round draft pick. He played well for a rookie LB.) Game balls: Rian Lindell, the Bills Dline, and the Bills Secondary, and of course, the Special Teams. Next week, we have the Jets. I WILL NOT count my chickens before they hatch, but with a solid effort, we can win that game and be 2nd in the AFC east. Go Bills!
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