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The Cincinnati Kid

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Everything posted by The Cincinnati Kid

  1. Alexa, when does the season start? Stupid conversation.
  2. I think Josh will struggle playing on Tuesdays and will shine on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, and possibly Saturdays. Tell me the offseason is too long without without actually saying it. Shesh.
  3. Maybe Justin Shorter… does he qualify? About to be cut in August.
  4. The fact they released Haack so early in the process tells me that the punter was absolutely not going to be him. Unlikely that they would have released him if he had an actual chance.
  5. I’d probably have him play some wide receiver. Hopefully he will catch the ball if thrown to him and then do some running with it towards the endzone.
  6. Also Phil Simms is the absolute worst. Just so freaking awful. There aren’t words to correctly express just how terrible he is at his job. Literally nobody worse exists. Maybe ever.
  7. Haven’t watched a “show” on ESPN in years and likely won’t ever again. Classic SportsCenter in the mid90s to mid00’s was solid. They’ve gone away from their bread and butter.
  8. I don’t think a huge trade-up is in play, but Beane always moves up a couple of slots to get his guy.
  9. …Buffalo Bill Cody…
  10. The Backup QB will very likely be whoever Josh wants it to be, so Kyle Allen because they’re besties.
  11. What has Trubisky done in the last 4 seasons to make us think he is better than any other back up caliber player? My answer is nothing, maybe he has proven to be below that level. I do think there is value in finding an experienced starter from a power 5 late in the draft. 4 years of very low rookie contract $$.
  12. Hartman from Notre Dame/Wake Forest? I don’t know, my wife likes him…
  13. Position coaches are really important pieces. Not having a good position coach is like not giving a damn about who the are lieutenants in a battle and their leadership skills.
  14. https://apnews.com/article/panthers-dave-canales-book-94ea9914feda7beee058d6c03a87379a AP’s story on the subject, without the paywall.
  15. I asked my wife (who only really knows Josh Allen) and she was a no on Jones, Rapp, Epanesa and Shaq. She was a yes on Hyde, Phillips and Floyd. She then said “Ok, that’s enough football for today.” And went back to reading her book. So, anyway, I’ll call Beane and make sure he knows what’s up.
  16. How many times is an out route not against the sidelines? Josh needed to be told to read the defense 2,654,739 times to read the defense before throwing the ball. I can’t believe he still doesn’t do it and only scores 40 or more touchdowns with 4K+ passing yards each year. And, my man, if you aren’t a child at heart, in my opinion, you’re doing this life wrong. We all need the joy and laughter and carefree moments, and as adults, we also go to work and do our jobs. If my bosses spoke to me like a child because I enjoy the moments, and am a child at heart, I’d absolutely lose respect for them, and rightfully so.
  17. Just curious how “it’s clear as day” that Josh doesn’t respect or “fear” his coaches? Also, what does Josh have to “fear?” He gets paid $45 millIon. They aren’t gonna bench him. This isn’t Varsity on Friday nights. There isn’t a Steve Young waiting for his chance behind Montana. So…
  18. I won’t watch. We just got done having Brady in 10 Super Bowls in 20 years, and now we’ve got Mahomes in 4 of the last 5 and 6 AFCCGs in a row. The 49ers have been to 3 straight NFCCGs and 4 of the last 5. We got this exact Super Bowl in the 2019 season. I’ll honestly probably watch Toy Story or Cars with my 2 year old and read him stories for bedtime. That sounds so much better than anything the NFL is putting on.
  19. Sending good vibes. Pulling for your wife and you. Be strong.
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