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The Cincinnati Kid

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Everything posted by The Cincinnati Kid

  1. I would take NO over WASH. The Redskins didn't know how to play football last week against the Giants. The coaching was awful, the playcalling was way worse. The Saints have too much talent for a team that doesn't know how much time is left. I go with NO for sure.
  2. I was thinking about who was around for the Pats to pick up and it was a scary thought when Culpepper came to mind... Culpepper to Moss has worked out in the past. He will be better playing behind that Pats O-Line than the Fins or Raiders... Just a thought of mine... A penny for yours...
  3. Saying "its bad, we're going to have to play without him." is anything but season ending. I am sure he will miss time, but that is not conclusive evidence that he will miss the entire season.
  4. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=6545 I guess he is there. I'm still mad at him...
  5. I'll be watching McCain... I am one of those undecided guys and I really think that Palin gave a good speech last night, as did Biden and Obama a week ago. I am really interested in what the Senator has to say. I think its more important than football... Unless the Bills were playing, of course! Billieve!!
  6. I really think that Whitner is the heart and soul of this Defense. Certainly the secondary. The guy is a natural leader and you can tell by the way he carries himself on and off the field that he loves football and loves winning. Whitner, McGee Simpson and company are going to be a feared secondary this year. When you add guys like Mitchell and Stroud to the core of Whitner, Simpson, McGee, Crowell, Posluszny, Schobel and Kelsey... Watch out! I really think we are going to have a top 10 if not better defense. We know Bobby April will produce in the special teams area. We could have top 10 in two of the three phases of the game. That mixed with a good run game and a heady quarterback who doesnt make mistakes.... Just look at the 2000 Ravens. They won a super bowl that way... Just saying...
  7. Jenkins will be kept because he is a beast of a gunner on the punt team! If he needs to play reciever then we'll go and sign somebody.
  8. Why isnt he plaing?
  9. I think that signing FAs is a good idea for depth. I am excited about what this team will do, and I dont really want to bring in any new starters for continuity sake. At 7-9 last year with our O and D being bottom feeders in terms of stats, I think a healthy Bills team minus Fairchild and plus McKelvin and Hardy will be a solid unit. I'm excited to see this thing..
  10. There are totally teams that you learn to hate because of Location and there are totally teams that you learn to enjoy watching because of either people you meet and location. I used to only care about the Bills, Yankees, and Syracuse Basketball. I moved to Cincinnati to attend Xavier University (Elite 8 Punks!!!!!) and I have found myself absolutely hating "The" Ohio State University. They can Schit on Themselves. I do cheer for the Bengals now, and the Reds a little bit. I kinda always find myself likeing teams that the girl I date likes, so the Redskins and really any team from DC (at the moment). I find that I hate every team that my Roommate likes, so Kansas, Detroit Tigers, KC Chiefs. Its funny how those things affect the teams you like and dislike.
  11. Just wait and see. Kelsey and Schobel are underrated IMO. They are real good DEs and having a strong push up the middle will open up the ouside for these guys to nail Brady and Co.
  12. I usually go email then BB.com then Billsdaily.com then TSW. Its kinda funny.
  13. Alvin Bowen is going to be a stud on ST for us. He looks like a great Kick-off and Punt Cover guy. Big guy with speed who was a tackle machine in college. He is my pick.
  14. He played OK but I am still not sold. I think he has a lot of potential, but this Bills team needs to win now. We have a playoff team on paper.
  15. Jimbo drives a white truck...
  16. I do not think that this guy, or any one who enrolls at the Armed Forces Academies wants to get out of their service. I think that most of the people who are saying the guy just wants to keep playing football are right. He just wants to knock some heads off. I am sure that he wants to serve the USA the best he can, and if the best way for him to serve the contry is play in the NFL with the Bills or another team and then recruit for West Point Football and be in the active reserves, then thats the best way for him to serve the contry. There are guys doing all sorts of jobs in the Army in Iraq that are not on the front lines being shot at all day. A buddy of mine is building runways in Iraq right now (well maybe not at the moment because its after sundown over there). There are lots of ways for a kid in the Army to serve the Army. If this guy's calling in the serve the Army in this fashion then by all means Mr. Viti, do it up! I don't think it has anything to do with not wanting to honor his contract like the guys of the old days (Staubach).
  17. too bad Roscoe didnt get his cousin's height...
  18. I just think that having another top flight (hopefully) corner opposite McGee will really help him. Also, McKelvin looks like a guy who can return just as well as McGee, and I think that putting him back there would benefit McGee. I do like the idea of having both of them back there with maybe Jackson or Omon as the initial upback. I think that would give the Bills a solid return game (not that it isn't solid already). We'll see what will happen.
  19. McKelvin will really halp McGee this season and into the future. McGee, unfortunately is not a true No. 1 CB in this league. He is like a 1b or an exceptional No. 2. With the addition of McKelvin, McGee certainly returns to the level of play he was having opposite Clements. I think that our CB position has been solidified for some time. Also, McKelvin takes McGee away from the KRs, which I think is a good thing for McGee's needed improvement in the pass defense.
  20. I agree, we really upgraded through this draft and the FA offseason. I like what is happening in Buffalo... I fear the eternal optimist in me though...
  21. Got to put that ball in the other hand...
  22. This draft was a good draft for the Bills, but I think that the initial post is correct. LOTS OF ST PLAYERS.
  23. NO.... I dont want to use our first 4th on this guy
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