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The Cincinnati Kid

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Everything posted by The Cincinnati Kid

  1. Thinking about going to the game in Indy. Its only about 2 hours from where I live. Would love to go and meet up with some fellow Bills fans. Maybe this thread it too early, but maybe not...
  2. Its great. I just watched it and really enjoyed it. I was worried that Fred wasn't going to get in the video, but he did at the very end. GO BILLS!
  3. I've always liked Chad. He is a quality guy. I was living in Cincinnati during the time he was there and he and Palmer and Tj were ripping it up and he was very public. He has a good heart IMO.
  4. I like our chances at 11-5. I'll agree here.
  5. Gruden and Billick won SuperBowls without a "great" qb. Jim Fassel took the giants to the superbowl with Kerry Collins in 2000.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Huq3ku_5LYs&list=UUyHC4Fa_GiPd56FXy3Imdww&index=1&feature=plcp This is great!
  7. I only see doing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rmUZQrvF5o
  8. Country music, my profession, Buffalo Bills, New York Yankees, and of course my Xavier Musketeers! Throw in some ice cold beer and smoking hot women and thats about it (outside my family, of course).
  9. As a teacher, this creeps me out. I'm 26 so I'm thinking, if these Babe's of the teaching profession want someone who is relatively young, why not me? Hmmmm? I mean at least its legal...
  10. So, do you picture me tearing it up on the Hardwood for the greatest team in Cincinnati?
  11. Sorry for your loss. My thoughts are prayers are with your an your family. I thought those covers were terrific...
  12. I think that there was obviously more to the "Bounty" Scandal in New Orleans than just cash bets on the First INT or # of Sacks, etc. "I want to express my sincere regret and apology to the NFL, Mr. Benson, and the New Orleans Saints fans for my participation in the 'pay for performance' program while I was with the Saints. It was a terrible mistake, and we knew it was wrong while we were doing it. Instead of getting caught up in it, I should have stopped it. I take full responsibility for my role. I am truly sorry. I have learned a hard lesson and I guarantee that I will never participate in or allow this kind of activity to happen again." -Gregg Williams. I understand that in this statement he says "Pay for Performance" and I think that was carefully crafted word choice. He did not gripe about his punishment at all when Roger Goddell. handed it down. To me, that says "I'm guilty and I know it. I'm not going to say anything to hurt my former players, but I am not going to rebut this because its true." For the people who are upset, like Vilma and Fujita, the punishments are extreme and in rare company, especially for Vilma. An entire year is an awfully long time and will inhibit his ability to maximize his earning potential while an NFL player. That being said, I fully support the suspensions of these players. I believe that the Commish must have enough evidence to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that these people were either directly involved in the "Bounty" program, or were involved in trying to cover it up when the NFL came around asking questions. There is a lot of truth the OP's thoughts on having to protect the league in the courts someday. There is a lot of reason to believe that that is part of this decision by the Goddell. Additionally, I think that there is a little bit of a "guilt by association" going on here. I don't know any of the evidence that Goddell has or doesn't have, but I do believe that he has enough to say that these guys are directly involved in some fashion. What he might be saying is, and I am not I totally agree with this, but its my thoughts on what might be going on, "I know you guys had something to do with this. I know more guys did too. I can't prove anyone else. I can prove you to an extent. Therefore, because I need to protect this league, I need to make swift and harsh punishments so that I can prove the League did all it could to prevent this type of "Bounty" system in the future and in the Courts. You guys are guilty in the League's eye, whether or not you are guilty to the same degree as your punishment doesn't matter." Its an example thing. If the Commish has the evidence to prove that its more than example thing, then I 100% support all of the suspensions. If he only has reasonable belief (as some reports are saying) then I don't think I agree with the extent of some the suspensions, especially the player's suspensions. Sorry for the long winded response.
  13. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/19415365/nfls-10-biggest-jerks-wideouts-rule-but-plenty-of-nasty-to-go-around Who is in your Top 10? I would have to put Belichick in there. Probably Theismann too.
  14. Nelson is not going to step into the "Outside Receiver" role. He is a slot player. That is why I did not include him. I was thinking in terms of one of the outside guys going down and who would need to fill in.
  15. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/19392835/right-way-to-build-roster-depth-patriots-steelers-bears-cowboys-lions-do-it-best Just my thoughts below: Could Vince Young go 2-2 for the Bills? I think he could, easily go 2-2 for the Bills. Fred and CJ are both more than capable of going for 1,000 yards. Assuming Stevie and D. Jones are our starters (because they were last year) Nelson and Graham and Easley are our next three guys. I think Graham or Easley could bump to the outside and get 4-6 per game. Behind Chandler, I am not sure. I know there are a lot of prospects, but nothing proven. 2 Experienced O-Linemen...I worry about the Swing Tackle and Reinhardt is good enough to play either G and Urbik can move to C well enough. 3rd DT is Heard, Edwards, Troup, or Carrington. I think we are OK there. Pass Rush Specialist would be Merriman who is very underrated agains the Run. We have lot of Depth at CB IMO. Searcy and Scott are guys who could come in for Byrd and Wilson and get it done, we've seen it before. Special Team Guys: I think its too early to tell who will be in the category, but we have a deep roster of guys who will be competing for those final spots that usually come down to STs. I thought this was really interesting and began thinking about our guys now and our guys just two years ago. I think we are much better off than we have been since the late 90's. What do you guys think?
  16. Average at best. I see nothing special about that house!
  17. Wanny isn't that huge. Only like 6'2" maybe 190lbs?
  18. Heaven forbid a guy with lots of money would want to go out on a Saturday night with some buddies...Shoot he is getting old too...isn't he like 25ish?
  19. Just saw this posted on PFT: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/06/15/report-buffalo-buyers-quietly-preparing-for-chance-to-acquire-bills/
  20. This is a very complicated case, Hindsight. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Cincy's head. Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber. My Thoughts on the Jets: Whereas what we have here? A bunch of fig-eaters wearing towels on their heads, trying to find reverse in a Soviet tank. This is not a worthy adversary.
  21. But maybe the Harvard educated Fitzpatrick deliberately created a fake Wikipedia account with a false Birthdate just to hide the fact that he changed the photo to himself!
  22. Lol. You guys are awesome. I knew I was fretting about this for no reason. I had to ask people who I trust and respect their opinions and turned to the guys on Off The Wall. Thanks for putting my mind at ease!
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