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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. https://babylonbee.com/news/founding-fathers-graves-bolted-down-to-prevent-further-spinning?fbclid=IwAR3h6FR1foKDN6sCDuA0nAIlOm6TPP6YlG4LGWZu8kJxa-sjBeiKSm-LDYc Founding Fathers Strapped Down In Graves To Prevent Further Spinning July 29th, 2020 U.S.—In an attempt to tackle the unprecedented and growing phenomenon of historical figures spinning rapidly in their graves, federal officials have begun strapping down the Founding Fathers at several historical sites. “It started slowly, back around 2016,” explained National Park Director Larry Rozinsky. “We noticed George Washington’s corpse had done a full 360. It was a bit odd but nothing unlike what we’d seen a few times back in the sixties.”
  2. I am a life member. I am a steadfast supporter of the NRA. But Wayne LaPierre has to go. As do any others profited from their positions of power.
  3. Too soon?
  4. I sincerely hope not. A blast that large is an indiscriminate act of war if triggered by some kind of targeted strike. So many civilians lives lost.
  5. @Deranged Rhino I'd like your take on this: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/statement-assistant-attorney-general-national-security-john-c-demers-public-release
  6. Cops... you forgot to ban cops too.
  7. Did someone say Barf!
  8. So... better porn download speeds?
  9. I think its more fair to say they are a political organization aligned to the hard left
  10. Two in the chest, one in the head. Its a self inflicted case of Corona Virus.
  11. When are the protests scheduled for the black lives lost to black violence?
  12. Fight the power. Does she have a defense fund go-fundme? If so... I'd like to donate.
  13. Yep... wife is Czech and marched in the velvet revolution in Prague which led to the fall of Communism across Eastern Europe and eventually the Soviet Union. All of her friends are appalled at what they are seeing. Communism is coming to the one place they thought they could flee to be safe from it.
  14. https://i.imgur.com/JQ7GS9v.mp4
  15. Or maybe he pissed off the Nigerian Prince who expected him to transfer the $10,275,348.67 inheritance via Bankwire and it didn't go through.
  16. https://thefederalist.com/2020/07/15/how-covid-control-freaks-cultivate-americas-culture-of-fear/?fbclid=IwAR2zZSm0Iq8xnknQgdIofmC2_QHkbPL4EYy_0ebdUu5XzU8rurTFuRz4eI8 Interesting read. Both sides are playing politics with the virus. He is being facetious of course.
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