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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Trump wasn't the fist to stalk a debate.
  2. You spelled douchebaggery wrong.
  3. https://www.bullshido.net/anatomy-of-a-catastrophe/?fbclid=IwAR3CajLvO8OMUFhrwkJ7flwxQZ8VKWA4ELGw4zx2L-22UNZ8oMD4eBsPu60 How Rampant Stupidity Killed Two People in Kenosha
  4. Additionally, Rittenhouse stopped to ensure care for his attacker, hardly sounds like someone who had went to the riot with intent to kill. Not taking SectionC3's side on this at all but this is just the defense attorney's spin. Most of what is written aligns with the video we all have seen but some of the descriptions have a definite ' the kid is an angel' spin.
  5. These memes are great.
  6. Fire Marshal Bill is standing by ready to help!
  7. Yay... a new thread to be trashed and deleted!
  8. Please post links when you can. ?
  9. See, there you go again. Childish. Does your mom know you are using her computer?
  10. You keep using that comeback and it just comes of childish.
  11. As a parent of a 17 year old I would NEVER let her go into a situation like that. I surely wound not put myself into that situation either and I am an expert marksman. If it were my business or home maybe I would not but going to do it for someone else's.
  12. Absolutely! Also stupid is a 17 year old kid injecting himself into a riot. Parents should know better.
  13. Still illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to open carry (when not hunting). Other than that he did nothing wrong other than stupidity.
  14. Isssshhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh issshhhhhhhh aaaahhhhhhhh
  15. lol... another lefty put on double secret probation i guess.
  16. You'd think so but they do love their felons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donna_Hylton
  17. May have already been posted but putting this here again for those who are still arguing in favor of Blakes actions or agains the Police response. Official release from the WI DOJ: https://www.doj.state.wi.us/news-releases/update-kenosha-officer-involved-shooting-0
  18. But do they normally name the victim i they are not a minor? I would think that information would not be public.
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