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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. That was the most brutal thing I have ever watched. It was awesome! Best individual episode of television I think I have ever watched. It was so brutal, I doubt I could stand to watch it again. Horrible ending to a couple of great characters.
  2. So this project veritas guy posted some videos of undercover infiltration of the clinton campaign. In it, there are a couple of guys that reference busing people from neighboring states to vote in elections they are not eligible for and the other that clinton operatives HIRED people to instigate violence at Trump rallys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=lREv5JB1Kcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=c3Vj8ym_9go Both guys got fired/moved out of their position (i.e. demoted). I have never seen such blatant corruption of the political process in my 52 years on earth!
  3. Anyone that voted no are not being objective. He may actually get a unanimous vote.
  4. Ironic... but if you know the people of MA like I do (having lived there). Romney was a moderate left republican who was able to influence the content of the bill in the State. It was basically veto proof. He was able to get some of what he wanted in the bill knowing that if he didn't he would end up getting it sent to him without need to sign. That being said... states rights yo. The Constitution of the United states does not apply to legislation made by states so long as it does not infringe on an individuals right.
  5. The thing is, so many people were against Obamacare that in the liberal state of MA they elected Scott Brown ® to the Senate to replace Ted Kennedy on his platform to vote against it. It was the Democrats in the Senate that made the deal to pass the House version that we now are stuck with. They did so just a day or two before Brown was sworn into office. This turd of legislation was widely unpopular and the Democrats pushed it only because it was the only chance they had. Also, this is not Socialized healthcare. This is a deal with insurance companies that went south fast. Basically, the Democrats promised millions of new subscribers to the insurance companies and backed it up with federal assistance if that didn't happen (payoffs to for profit companies). Chief Justice Roberts shares much of the blame for siding with the liberal left of the court that this was just another 'tax' in regards to the penalties for not being insured. How can a Chief Justice make the convoluted argument that the federal government can force a tax on you for not purchasing a product, one that you do not want, from a for profit company!
  6. I'd be interested to know if and when they find the shooter(s), if they were prohibited from possessing a firearm (especially given this happened in California). Of course, criminals will obey these new laws they pass. http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-sac-essential-politics-updates-gov-brown-signs-six-gun-control-bills-1467394282-htmlstory.html
  7. Defensive players should have their head up when they go in for a tackle.
  8. Wow. Local distributor. Shipping across statelines makes you a federal trafficker.
  9. Crap... I give up... how do you embed a picture here???
  10. I remember that play too. He was also a great punter. He had a 91 yarder against the Giants (I thought it was the Bills too for some reason).
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