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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Anybody else looking forward to the premier tomorrow? I wasn't sure about the show when I saw the first couple of episodes last year but it really grew on me. Very quirky and strange yet funny and the characters grew on me. season 2 trailer:
  2. Last nights episode was great! Seriously laughed my ass off and it had some excellent sci-fi story line. Also, Charlize Theron and Adrianne Palicki were smokin hot in this episode. There was a practical joke thread in the storyline that was seriously hilarious.
  3. Yep... Corrola would rip him apart and make it look easy. The biggest difference between this and Kimmel's shtick is it would actually be funny.
  4. Olympic style shooting and Bullseye pistol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISSF_shooting_events https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullseye_(shooting_competition)
  5. One thing that makes me very nervous about traveling with my guns... I shoot in competitions around the country and its been normal for me to walk into the hotel lobby with a gun case and check in. Now, I wonder if this will change things.
  6. Check google maps 5510 Haven street to see the vantage point of the video. It took a while to find it. Now the initial video of the car driving around close to the hotel is pretty much useless but I did find the location and its near the entrance just below the shooters position on the 32nd floor. The real question is if the shots also came from the 4th floor how did they open the window. Looking at the google maps streetview from the S. Las Vegas Blvd on the same sight-line, zoomed in on the 4th floor, it does not appear to have windows that could open. The video is bull**** conspiracy theory craziness and there are way too many people out there that will buy into it. Its just flashing lights reflecting off the glass.
  7. A gang is defined by the US Department of Justice as: (1) an association of three or more individuals; (2) whose members collectively. identify themselves by adopting a group identity, which they use to create an. atmosphere of fear or intimidation frequently by employing one or more of the. https://www.fbi.gov/file.../stats-services-publications-national-gang-report-2015.pdf
  8. Want to make a real difference in overall crime and homicide rates go after the gangs and the criminals that supply them with guns and put them in jail for ever. If you are identified as a gang member, obtain a search warrant and search their residence. If a gun is found whoever is the owner/leaser primary resident and they are a prohibited person, they go to jail. If they are not prohibited and its not kept secured per local laws they go to jail. Aggressively police gang infested areas and put gang members in jail.
  9. Bills were lucky. Questionable calls went their way. On at least 2-3 occasions I thought they refs made the wrong call but the review did not reverse it.
  10. 3 Doors Down with this setlist - Kryptonite - Here without you - Duet with Amy Lee (Evanesance) - When I'm Gone -
  11. Skip to 3:15 to see the spoof on farscape.
  12. DS9 was very good. TNS first season is almost unwatchable. Just horrible. I stuck through it because it was the only legitimate Sci Fi series at the time. B5 season 1 was almost as bad as TNG and then was better than TNG for seasons 2-4. TNG really hit its stride in season 3. BSG was also very good season one. Season 2.5 really dropped off but then rebounded in season 4. One Sci Fi series that doesn't get enough credit is SG1.
  13. Very well produced. Lots of action. Lens flares aka JJ A. are a bit overused. Not paying to see the rest of it.
  14. Yup... found the picture of said hamster.
  15. 3rd episode last night. I think its still trying to find its purpose but so far I'm liking it.
  16. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/burger-king/houma-obscenity-charges-659302 Apparently shoot amateur sex videos in Public Libraries and post it to pornhub. I Advise to not look up 'LaylaDevine' on pornhub.
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