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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Good bye 2017... hello 2018... omph!
  2. I was about to say this too. He jettisoned talented but troubled players and still came out ahead. If I had to vote for a player that made a difference it would have to be Kyle Williams. He has been the leader that kept the Bills believing in McDermott's process.
  3. I jumped up, pumped both fists in the air and yelled "YES... YES... YES!", high five'd my friend, sat down and drank.
  4. 20+ % of gross pay.
  5. The ruling on the field was a TD. There needs to be irrefutable proof that the ball did not remain in his control. That means there needs to be a camera angle that shows the balle touching the grass. There is no such angle. The ball was blocked by the hand. This was the NY refs in the pocket of the Patriots.
  6. What was the deal with calling a timeout on 3rd and long while on defense with about 4:41 left in the half??? We ended up giving up the first down on that play but got lucky when we held them again on the next series to a punt. Was that was some stupid clock management???
  7. https://i.imgur.com/40n7AVS.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/5FsqQKp.gif
  8. When the Saviors captured Maggie's convoy, why didn't they just execute the entire lot of them? This show makes no sense.
  9. I stole that from the FB post from Buffalo Bills official. I bet they got the idea from you. ETA: Checked the post again and credit is given to ESPN.
  10. We have lots of picks to spend to move up. Most of the teams looking to draft ahead of us may not need a QB and will be looking to trade down. I say spend both 1's and a 2nd on a top 5 draft pick.
  11. I would modify this statement: If you see a franchise QB, grab him. Franchise QBs are very hard to find. If the QB isn’t likely a franchise play, go with the best player available if it fills a need, if best player available does not fill a need, trade down and compile more picks.
  12. Festivus pole... https://www.google.com/search?q=festivus+pole&safe=off&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS754US754&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPyY6v-_DXAhUCxYMKHYqlDZYQsxgIKg&biw=1280&bih=844
  13. The trash people scene defies logic. There is the leader and two henchmen marching the Zed-on-a-stick up to a tied up Rick and Rick somehow gets control of the ZoaS, using the stick as a weapon against the henchmen while at the same time the weirdo leader just stands there waiting for Rick to get close enough to taker her pistol away??? I understand this is a show about Zombies but...
  14. Even better... blitz 12. No way they could handle that.
  15. woot.com has a sale today on S&D (Scratch and Dent) Samsungs. https://www.woot.com/plus/samsung-phones-verizion-gsmsd?ref=w_cnt_gw_dly_img Price ranges from $149-279. I decided to upgrade from my S5 to the S7.
  16. Quarterbacks probably wear the helmets during offensive series because they both need to hear the offensive play calls and information.
  17. It gets better. A lot better. Did you watch any more than the one episode?
  18. I'm ok with it. The way that the General initially reacted to the event was spot on.
  19. This is more political correctness gone awry. I am a conservative, and despise the man, but I saw the photo... he was not touching her. It was clearly a joke. There are other more serious issues that we need to deal with but this is not one of them.
  20. Another solid episode last night. Nice mix of humor and drama. The actress that plays the doctor was really good, playing a convincing psycho killer.
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