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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Tank and take the best QB in the 2019 draft. ?
  2. Eenie meenie minie mo catch the starter by the toe...
  3. He was unhinged and upset tha this case of defamation was thrown out. https://web.archive.org/web/20140124185707/http://mysite.verizon.net/jwramos79/
  4. http://www.capitalgazette.com/news/annapolis/bs-md-gazette-shooting-20180628-story.html
  5. Samantha Ray Mears, 19, now faces six charges after police say she forced her ex-boyfriend to have sex with her at machete-point Mears has a history of assault charges against the man, whom she had been dating for approximately seven years, the Great Falls Tribune reported. He started dating her when she was 12???
  6. https://hoaxeye.com/2017/05/28/zbigniew-brzezinski-with-osama-bin-laden/ The other man is simply a member of Pakistani Army. More details about this and similar photos on 911Myths. How about the Tim Osman/Bin Laden conspiracy theory? Again: there is no evidence.
  7. It will be an open competition between Nate and AJ. Allen will sit and learn. Nate has the lead now due to experience with the terminology and playbook. If Nate has put in the time to understand defenses better and work on his mechanics he has an outside chance to unseat AJ as the starter (assuming AJ struggles to pick up a new playbook). Allen will not see the field in the regular season until week 8 at the earliest. Upside...we might have 3 starting capable QB's on the roster making at least 1 of them trade worthy which would bring future high draft picks.
  8. Lamar Jackson will never be a pocket type passer. His wonderlic score was among the lowest of all the QB's drafted. He's a great athlete. Maybe they can find a role for him but it will not be as a starting QB.
  9. From Prof. Jacobson: https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/06/who-won-in-merkel-trump-g-7-photo-reader-poll/#more-251977 . Funny how choosing the right picture can completely change the narrative.
  10. Also the first ever gamer rage quit...
  11. Thanks Guys.... mods... feel free to lock this thread!
  12. Epiphone makes great guitars at a fraction of the cost of a Gibson. I own a few and I love my Epi LP Ultra.
  13. bull ****. A LOT of former democrat and a lot of independent voters from the swing states (i.e. flyover country) had to have opted for Trump. Face it. Hillary was a WORSE candidate than Trump. His faults were moral. Her faults were PROFESSIONAL.
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