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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. This is the only thing you have posted since I joined this board that makes a lick of sense.
  2. Decide cases based on original intent.
  3. The GOP Doxxer has been arrested and charged with a slew of crimes... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-doxxing-suspect-arrested-worked-or-interned-for-feinstein-jackson-lee-other-dems No surprise that the triggered snowflake worked on the Jackson Lee and Feinstain staff. Stupid kid will be doing some serious jail time.
  4. Not sure if this was posted yet... a good read. Why Brett Kavanaugh Should Be Confirmed To The Supreme Court Even If He’s Guilty https://thefederalist.com/2018/10/02/better-put-guilty-man-court-keep-innocent-man-off/
  5. She did a Glamour Shots picture in the late 80's:
  6. This was discussed earlier. The ABA committee that issues these recommendations officially recanted that. The President of the ABA sent that without the comittee approval. They have since gone on the record that Kavanaugh still retains 'highly qualified' recommendation from the ABA.
  7. Regardless of who the person referred false allegations to, they need to prosecute. Set the tone NOW that false allegations will not be tolerated EVER.
  8. This. No one to blame here except Diane Feinstain.
  9. How !@#$ing stupid do you have to be to be COACHED ON LIVE NATIONAL TV TO RAISE YOUR HAD FOR THE OATH???!!! Jesus farking Christ have you no independent brain function to activate your right hand???
  10. This is so !@#$ing stupid. Democrats are looking like absolute idiots. The yearbook of a 17 year old? Seriously? !@#$.
  11. How appropriate. Referring to 'this CIRCUS'! Nailed it.
  12. Maybe she was just passing to him her fantasy football lineup?
  13. PRINCE! Blows everyone on that stage away by far. Solo starts at 3:28
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