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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. This we agree on. And is exactly why I believe that *IF* there is a deep state is why it is bad. If an administration is elected into office, their policies MUST be implemented without political bias by the entrenched bureaucrats. The American people have made their choice and that is what they wanted.
  2. So. Banable for posting information which he may or may not agree with. But someone posts repetitive meaningless memes like confetti they are ok. Got it.
  3. Who TF let the Karen's rule this board? The shallow bot/left/NPC's that entered the board over the last few months have lent nothing more than bad memes and repetitive BS aka (hoax). DR posts legitimate informative information. If we are banning people I think the mods should reconsider if they didn't ban the wrong person/people.
  4. No Now stop creating stupid threads.
  5. Well there are a lot of Polacks in Wisconsin... so there's that.
  6. "In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."" Since when is telling the truth being 'sympathetic'?
  7. This is a train wreck.
  8. The interception on the push off offensive interference. It was obviously a great simultaneous catch which the refs got wrong.
  9. ...and the left will call you a facist for.
  10. Mostly peaceful.
  11. Send this guy stat!
  12. I think the insurance can only be used to protect from civil liability. Not criminal. So if they get sued the insurance company pays. If they get indicted... they go to jail.
  13. "Police suspected, according to the May report written by Jaynes, that Glover "may be keeping narcotics and/or proceeds from the sale of narcotics at (Taylor's apartment) for safekeeping." A property seizure log completed after searching Taylor's apartment following the shooting listed no drugs or money." Nothing was found. The Detective responsible for writing and getting approval for the warrant was reassigned pending an investigation. Bottom line it was a shitshow but the cops getting punished (my point) are paying the price for bad intelligence.
  14. That the address they were searching was a drug house.
  15. The cops were executing a raid based on a warrant. The people that got the warrant in the first place had the wrong information. The cops executing the warrant are the ones getting in trouble (wrongfully) for it. Just doing their job.
  16. To be fair. It was not a botched raid. It was a botched warrant. The cops were put into that situation due to information that they could not control.
  17. Location of the porridge that was 'just right'.
  18. I think I found a tiktok video stream of Billstime (NSFW language warning)
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