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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Professional sports I have been and a Bills/Football fan.
  2. And more... https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--TMdxzbOz--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/ncqqn5nfbrhobnlhkvru.mp4
  3. True. But you are completely ignoring the facts of what took place after the Republicans stopped using them. The opposition party candidate hired Fusion GPS and they created a completely false and unverified dossier on Trump. The opposition party, working with the Obama Administration, fed this document to the FBI as grounds to SPY ON THE OPPSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. They lied and omitted facts multiple times to the FISA judge as to the source and veracity of the claims in the dossier in order to continue their illegal spy operation even after he was elected president.
  4. https://i.imgur.com/WMUUyEQ.mp4
  5. My week... https://i.imgur.com/BXWTbU8.mp4
  6. More plausible scenario would be Babylon 9 and they need to find out what happened to 5,6,7,8.
  7. "I was walking down the street when my pants fell down and I tripped and these ended up my ass."
  8. It asked me and it lead to another question of which state (Since I was far outside of Buffalo).
  9. I chose Downtown but also selected very important the ability to park and tailgate. I also selected a retractable or permanent roof as strongly opposed to.
  10. Obviously... good call. Another good Sci Fi series. Make it the next gen... follow the sons of Vir and Delenn/Sheridan and the re-emergence of the Old Races and introduce new races.
  11. V, Battlestar and The Stand would be great. I'd add Stargate to that as well.
  12. https://i.imgur.com/gCYdbMr.mp4 Racist? https://i.imgur.com/KK8IGIy.mp4 Wasis?
  13. Why do all the crazies live in Florida?
  14. https://i.imgur.com/DjnfJlk.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/52lLQYG.mp4 I must go... my people need me.
  15. Or the secret base that the Nazis built when they escaped in 1945...
  16. I was cautiously optimistic. I thought Josh Rosen was the best choice at that position and was very surprised when Allen was taken. The plan at the beginning to have an open competition in camp with a rotation with number 1 team reps between the QB's with Peterman becoming what I thought the obvious choice having performed well in preseason would allow Josh to sit and learn. With the Peterman crash and burn and the injuries that lifted Peterman into the premature starting role and his performance since he came back from his injury has me now very optimistic that we have our QB of the future. He still has some rough edges that needs to be worked out but his ceiling is much higher that any of the other QB's taken in the draft IMO.
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