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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. I stopped watching after season 2... too much TV to watch so it dropped off of my priorities. Is it worth getting back into?
  2. Did we get the 7th pick by way of trade with the 6-10 Patriots?
  3. So many great options. Over easy is my go to. Scrambled with fresh chive and cilantro over easy on top rice fried with some onions, peppers and spicy sausage with the red hot sauce dribbled over top Over easy on Avocado toast Poached (but that's pretty boring) Over easy on on a hamburger Shells are a natural barrier. No washing of the eggs. I was told that when hens lay eggs there is some king of mucus that dries and seals the shell and is best not to wash it off. If its really bad like covered in ***** I'll wash it. Usually they are clean like you see in the store.
  4. 3 chickens... 3 eggs per day.
  5. Fresh brown eggs. I have three chickens and can't eat them as fast as they lay.
  6. https://i.imgur.com/ZRvp0OE.mp4
  7. Thanks to the lame stream media no doubt and their collusion/obstruction narrative.
  8. https://i.imgur.com/Xyf12Bt.mp4
  9. You obviously don't realize that laws were written and rules made in RESPONSE to Watergate... or you are being intentionally obtuse when its been pointed out multiple times in this and other threads.
  10. Even so... why haven't they at least taken the trouble to see it. They claim to want to be more informed yet they refuse this? They know they cannot see the fully unredacted report due to legal reasons. This is nothing more than a circus show.
  11. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/05/mueller-report-volume-ii-available-top-congressional-democrats/ The truth is that the Democrats have no interest in what is in the report.
  12. https://i.imgur.com/AotWzs1.mp4
  13. I just stumbled across Chernobyl on HBO last night and recorded it. It was very good. My wife was in Russia at the time of the accident on a school field trip. They didn't know anything about it until they returned home to the then Czechoslovakia a few days later.
  14. So sick of this Faux outrage. Time to send some people to jail who tried to frame the President using illegally obtained FISA spying.
  15. Clinton was impeached by the house but cleared in the Senate. Both houses have to pass impeachment for the President to be removed.
  16. I don't think He's a Trump supporter per se... I think he's sick of the dirty dealing of the Democrats and is defending Trump from the criminal activities of the left.
  17. This will slow traffic down!
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