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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Can we get her address? I'd like to start a gofundme effort to ship her an unlimited/lifetime supply of pomegranates\. Who's in?
  2. Fired: 5 wins or less 1 year extension 6-8 wins dependent upon progress of Allen and or impact on team due to key injuries outside of McDermott's control. 2 year extension with 9+ wins no wildcard 3 year extension with wildcard 4 year extension with wildcard + 1 win in playoffs 5 year extension with division championship 6 year extension with Superbowl Win
  3. I live in NH where its totally legal. I blow 200-300 on fireworks around this time every year.
  4. Here are a few pics of my current brews on deck... Blowoff tubes from my Arrogant Bastard Clone: This is the secondary fermentation for my modified Commodore Perry IPA (With chopped grapefruit added to the fermenter:
  5. Seems like she could be pretty.... outgoing.
  6. Mobil autocorrect Led Zeppelin 2
  7. The Cure - Disintegration The Cure - Wish Led Zeppelin - OK Led Zeppelin - Presence Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy Pink Floyd - Dark side of the moon
  8. I make my own. I'm planning on making a 10 gallon batch of my Commodore Perry IPA (with some additional modifications) tomorrow. Next weekend I will brew a 10 gal batch of Arrogant Bastard Ale using the left over yeast from the primary fermentation of the IPA.
  9. Burt Bacharach https://e n.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_songs_written_by_Burt_Bacharach
  10. I am very competitive in precision shooting sports. Pistol and rifle... Olympic style and buckeye pistol too.
  11. How about playing the Dragnet theme during replay/review and challenges...
  12. I think the argument from the other side is that Mueller elected not to indict because DOJ rules prevented him from indicting a sitting President. Even though he didn't state that exactly, that is the inference.
  13. I think a lot of people here are giving the president a pass on all of the attempted obstruction because the entire premise of collusion/conspiracy was fabricated by the FBI/CIA/Clinton/Obama.
  14. We will outsource the drilling to India. We will then bring them all to the US under B1 visas and pay them more than American born drillers.
  15. July is the return of Stranger Things.
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