Fired: 5 wins or less
1 year extension 6-8 wins dependent upon progress of Allen and or impact on team due to key injuries outside of McDermott's control.
2 year extension with 9+ wins no wildcard
3 year extension with wildcard
4 year extension with wildcard + 1 win in playoffs
5 year extension with division championship
6 year extension with Superbowl Win
Here are a few pics of my current brews on deck...
Blowoff tubes from my Arrogant Bastard Clone:
This is the secondary fermentation for my modified Commodore Perry IPA (With chopped grapefruit added to the fermenter:
The Cure - Disintegration
The Cure - Wish
Led Zeppelin - OK
Led Zeppelin - Presence
Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy
Pink Floyd - Dark side of the moon
I make my own.
I'm planning on making a 10 gallon batch of my Commodore Perry IPA (with some additional modifications) tomorrow. Next weekend I will brew a 10 gal batch of Arrogant Bastard Ale using the left over yeast from the primary fermentation of the IPA.
I think the argument from the other side is that Mueller elected not to indict because DOJ rules prevented him from indicting a sitting President.
Even though he didn't state that exactly, that is the inference.
I think a lot of people here are giving the president a pass on all of the attempted obstruction because the entire premise of collusion/conspiracy was fabricated by the FBI/CIA/Clinton/Obama.