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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. F*** China.
  2. People need to go to jail and the truth about what they attempted to do be fully published.
  3. Titans should receive two game forfeitures.... One for the Steelers and one for the Bills.
  4. https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/article_828bb53e-09ad-11eb-9c98-fbed3af1d69a.html/?49336&utm_medium=notification&utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=desktop_push&fbclid=IwAR1OeOsI38g151SWiA-MG0iO6hkR1q7U1oIwcGCrXUG62Ceb8QpkzniYqe0
  5. Fixed. I could see Allen surpassing Kemp with a couple of playoff wins. Kemp gets some credit for actually winning an AFL championship. Ferguson was good but never great. Longevity is his strong suit.
  6. John JA outlived TJ. *mic drop*
  7. John Adams... very underrated. Really liked the Biography I read that showed his adversarial friendship with Jefferson and Franklin. I also have a ton of respect for Truman. Guts enough to drop the bomb not once but twice saving untold lives (millions probably). Didn't trust Stalin. Growing up I liked Nixon and still do despite his obvious failures. He forced North Vietnam to the negotiating table and probably stopped short with the bombing of NV as they were on the brink of collapse. Reagan was a modern day conservative champion that brought the country back from the brink of the Carter depression and raised our international standing but got mired in secret wars that tarnished his presidency. I credit him with the collapse of the soviet bloc which was huge. ETA: Lincoln. He freed the slaves. United a divided country. But at the expense of freedom of the press. Jailed a lot of journalists that dared to write stories that offended him.
  8. RIP One of the first big rock bands I saw at the Aud.
  9. Trump is an ass. But the results of his first 3 years before COVID are hard to ignore. Record low unemployment No new wars. Reduction in foreign deployments ISIS virtually destroyed Better/Fairer trade deals with China and North America. Reduced tensions with NK. I don't think Biden would have handled the Covid response much differently. Biden had 47 years in political office to make an impact and did nothing but make things worse. He is a shell. He will be a trojan horse for the policies of Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and Bernie.
  10. Hoax!
  11. Rifle/Pistol is the 3rd easiest sport to get a scholarship for which is something like 17% of HS students that participate in the sport get a scholarship. The best sport to get a scholarship for is Fencing. ~30% of HS students in that sport get a scholarship.
  12. Fixed
  13. 56 Married Born in West Seneca Moved to East Otto when I was 13 (spent summers and most weekends in Zoar Vally since I was an infant) Went to college, got a job with a company which I spent 14 years working for and travelled around to world helping to setup Lottery data centers and trained the computer operators. Met my wife in Prague while on a project there. Got a new job working for a large financial company for the past 21 years. I live in New Hampshire and when I'm not arguing with people about politics on this board I root for the Bills and am the Director/Coach of a Junior Rifle Team and I shoot rifle and pistol competitively (7 time NH state resident conventional pistol champion). My avatar is my daughter who shot for The Ohio State Varsity Rifle Team for 3 years on scholarship.
  14. A few liberal posters who only joined a relatively short time ago, provide little or no actual content beyond childish memes and repetitive responses apparently goaded DR into responding to their antics. Once he responded to their repeated infantile posts they run to a mod to complain. DR has a long history of providing interesting content. I don't want to see the board lose one if its most prolific members because of the actions of a small group of instigators. Also, the 'asshats' earned the name IMO. They open new threads where there was a perfectly good one to add to. It ends up cluttering the board with multiple threads on the same basic subject.
  15. Banned the wrong guy(s).
  16. Well for the first time in my life I have placed user(s) on ignore.
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