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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. Watch: https://i.imgur.com/WRE1Zeo.mp4
  2. One important factor to include in mortality rate is the population's density of at risk people. We have a lot more people in the US that are obese and have diabetes etc...
  3. Lots of other factors regarding effectiveness such as effectiveness of stay at home orders, geographic, population densities, weather, public transportation, personal hygiene practices, cultural ways, etc...
  4. Here is a good map of the testing per 1000. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-testing#world-map-total-tests-performed-relative-to-the-size-of-population
  5. I don't think that can happen unless Biiden wins the election. Trump is too vain and personally hurt by the 'fake' news that he will push his DOJ (and a more than willing Barr) to indict everyone, including Obama if he was the one that authorized the spying.
  6. Very exciting to see so many prime time games. Sunday/Thursday at home and two Monday nights away. I might be calling in sick on Monday and Friday. ?????
  7. Firefly... our Mrs Reynolds...
  8. Hottest Press Secretary:
  9. Results of the first ultraviolet light suppository on this test subject look promising.
  10. Finally got caught up on the entire series. That ending was WHOLEY *****!
  11. You know what. I totally get the hate Trump angle. He's a pompous ass. He constantly make statements that are head scratchingly dumb. But that behavior flaw does not condone or excuse the unlawful actions of the FBI, DNC, Clinton Campaign and the Obama administration for the attempts to discredit members of the Trump administration for no reason other than they hated him. Avoiding the truth because you hate someone so much is a fatal character flaw.
  12. I think a LOT of Dems will stay at home rather than vote for Sleepy (or is it Sloppy) Joe. Sanders voters are loyal to a fault. Independents will hold their nose and vote for the Twittler in Chief because they know its better than the alternative and also knowing that the Obama administration of which Joe was part of attempted a soft coup.
  13. Russia is helping whoever they think will continue to divide the american people and you and others on the left are just helping them.
  14. Process crimes. Nothing at all to do with colluding with a foreign power.
  15. I think you have that backwards. The FBI and CIA were spying on a Presidential campaign on 'Trumped up' reasons. (pun intended)
  16. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/world/asia/trump-who-coronavirus-china.html
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