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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. I guarantee people will die today and the blood will be on the hands of the anarchists.
  2. I am a staunch conservative and i tolerate trump for the general good he is doing. But that tweet reads like thelooters will get shot.
  3. This the tweet. https://t.co/GDwAydcAOw I think it was clear he meant shooting the looters.
  4. Yes... Trump tweeted something that he (nor any president) should ever tweet about shooting looters. What is now common knowledge about the 'protesters' are that the vast majority are not there to protest. Minnesota governor has stated that 80 of those arrested were from out of state. These are agitators/anarchists/criminals that want nothing more than to burn *****, steal *****, and otherwise cause chaos, and when the Minnesota National Guard start shooting them they will conveniently say 'see! Trump instigated this violence!'. We will watch as CNN/ABS/NBC/NPR all give these criminals a voice to support the anti Trump narrative. Anything to get *not Trump* elected. Actually he did tweet about shooting looters. Stupid thing to tweet but in the end he's right and the left will use that to further an agenda that breeds more violence and chaos.
  5. Watching the Minneapolis press conference on CNN. I think it was the Minneapolis police chief that said that every single 'protester' arrested last night were from out of state. They are mobilizing the entire Minnesota national guard. ***** getting serious.
  6. Yup... and Carter was a pretty high (or low depending on persepective) bar to clear.
  7. I watched the first episode yesterday. Solid Meh. I may watch the second episode to see if they do anything that is actually funny.
  8. Even if Obama didn't know the extent of the political spying and FISA abuse, it was his DOJ and CIA appointees that led their respective agencies when all of this was happening.
  9. Guilt and actual justice are sometimes two separate things and I would hope that anyone with the sense and desire for justice would understand that too.
  10. https://preply.com/en/question/past-tense-of-plead The answer is: for past simple it is: pleaded and for past participle is also pleaded, but for both the past simple and past participle pled is also correct. People my consider it as being wrong if pled is used. You both are correct.
  11. Here is an excellent timeline for everything Flynn/FISA/Trump Collusion hoax https://medium.com/@shmagagieuniversity1/scandal-an-abbreviated-timeline-of-the-trump-russia-collusion-narrative-hoax-fisa-spygate-abuse-9b609ba0e2c1
  12. I think China had a lot more to do with that $6 trillion than Trump did.
  13. CIA/CTMC = Central Intelligence Agency - Counter Terrorism Mission Center? https://www.cia.gov/offices-of-cia/mission-centers
  14. Thanks for completely wasting about 15 minutes of my life reading your willfully ignorant posts defending the indefensible.
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