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Everything posted by bdutton

  1. To be fair, the TDS suffers don't believe in God, Jesus, St Peter, Satna or the Easter Bunny. Maybe Lennin and Marx... both those other guys.
  2. Probably because Obama was the most corrupt President in the US.
  3. Apparently child pornographers are more important than a guy railroaded by the DOG/FBI/DNC. so, yeah... he's still a law and order guy.
  4. Who cares. He's still providing valuable information which you @Crayola64 and @BillStime do not.
  5. Not sure if this was mentioned... Animal House
  6. As usual... The Tuck is nailing it tonight. Suck it you commie shitbag.
  7. Didn't Cuomo already announce that there would be no fans allowed in stadiums this year in the whole state.
  8. Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2. The Crow
  9. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/505737-flynns-prosecution-the-more-we-learn-the-worse-it-seems Flynn's prosecution: The more we learn, the worse it seems
  10. I think you misspelled 'The media'.
  11. Canada's birthday was yesterday.
  12. FFS BS... take your BS elsewhere and stop polluting what should be a positive thread.
  13. Excellent trigger finger discipline too. Shows shes trained.
  14. No. Its a microphone boom connected to a camera. (follow the link and zoom in).
  15. ^^^ Came here to post that.
  16. When will BLM make a 10 point plan on what to do about black men shooting black men? I'm listening. They were a mob that had broken through a gate in a private community.
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