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Everything posted by MattF2000

  1. I believe we passed about 37 times (maybe more b/c I dont believe that includes the times JP got sacked) and we can the ball 16 times. Isnt that a completely absurd percentage.. Especially in those conditions with your back up playing 50% of the game. I did disagree with three runs in a row a the end of the Browns game.. One of thsoe should have been a pass.. But Turk is WAY too pass happy
  2. Pretty sure all we did was run the ball or throw screen passes (basically run equivalent). The one time we should have passed was the last play before the field goal..
  3. Thats what he said after another heart wrenching monday night loss? Another blown deal at the end of the game? Does this guy not have any emotions? Give me something Dick.. I appreciate your level headedness for the most part.. But once in awhile prove that you are a human being
  4. Where can i watch the press conferences?
  5. I don't think our corner play was the problem tonight.. Quinn hit most of those passes when he had time.. We put pressure on them but it required blitzing every time.. You're going to get burned sometimes. Plus Greer was missing.. Then a gain it was against a rookie qb.. Regardless, I dont think our secondary was an issue today.. Trent was the problem.. And we need a better pass rush when we only rush four..
  6. Didn't agree with the run call at all.. Whats the point of getting one more yard? a 47 yarder or a 45 yarder, it's all the same.. Pass the ball even if it was another stupid screen pass.. Browns were playing run all the way..
  7. who cares about gutsy.. losers is right.. besides that one pass to royal at the end, edwards looked pathetic.. he didnt throw the ball downfield all game.. if it werent for lynch and jackson this would have been a blow out.. and lets be serious.. the run blocking by the offensive line tonight was an anomaly.. even if we won this game, it's apparent we blow if we're not 100% healthy.. and even then.. with edwards like this, you cant win in this league
  8. Thanks for the great chats Tim.. I read your blog posts daily.. Our participation just goes to show everyone Bills fans are the best in the business.. Go Bills and keep up the great work...
  9. KC would probably rather trade him to the bills, even if the draft picks were equal. I'm sure KC probably thinks the Giants, who are undefeated, will finish better than the Bills. This would mean a draft pick (even if theyre from the same round) from the giants is less valuable than a draft pick from the bills. However, KC may want TG out of the AFC. I don't see this as big a deal though considering in two or three years TG will probably be retired and KC won't be competitive until then.
  10. I just moved to D.C. for Grad school and the McFaddens down here is complete madness.. Definitely not as good as actually being at The Ralph but if you gotta be anywhere else then this bar is the scene. I think the DC Bills Backers estimated about 300+ Bills fans.. It's a massive bar so there's plenty of room to stand or get a table if you are there early enough. Only the Bills are on in the entire bar and everytime we score they blast the Shout song.. Usually a Raffle with prizes as well.. Last week was an autographed Lynch Photo.. And I just bought a sweet DC Bills Backers T Shirt.. pretty fun place.. www.wdcbbb.com
  11. I don't mind Rosenhaus. He does what any agent or lawyer would do, and that's get the best deal for his client. As for McGahee, I dont think right now he's more valuable to the Bills than he is to any other team. We don't have a running back to really replace him right now, and we'd rather no waste a day 1 pick on one either. At the same time, other teams can that do need a running back can get one at a cheaper price in the draft instead of trading for McGahee and extending him. Financially it makes sense that McGahee gets a modest extension.
  12. I definitely hear where you're coming from. And yes NE has dominated this game but as of right now the Colts are only down one score. If they do end up losing then I definitely agree. But if they win... we'll have to see.
  13. I definitely agree with this statement. Rochester has a population of about 220,000 and Monroe County has a population of around 750,000. Buffalo has a population of about 285,000 and Erie County has a population of around 950,000. I think if the stadium was in between the two cities, and not on the otherside of Buffalo, attendance could be improved. Combing the two cities population would be big enough to make the top 30 biggest cities in the country. So there is enoguh people between the to cities. I also believe Rochester makes up a decent portion of season ticket holders.. This could definitely be increased if it was a little more convenient. Maybe I'm wrong on this one but I think Rochester's per capital income is also higher. I guess it would just make sense for a future Stadium, if it were to ever happen, to be in between the two cities, which when combined have some decent clout people/money wise, even if it was still relatively closer to Buffalo than Rochester. The idea of moving the team to Canada, other than Toronto is completely outrageous. And I really doubt it would move to Toronto. The NFL has had discussions about playing regular season games in Canada, Toronto being one of the cities, but they chose not to recently because of the Argonauts or something.
  14. • We hear that the success in recent weeks of the Bills' revamped offensive line may answer two questions heading into the offseason. First, we hear that ex-OLT Mike Gandy's strong play at left guard likely means he will be re-signed in order to keep the line intact. Second, we hear that the Bills may not feel as much pressure to make the O-line a top draft priority anymore. • We hear that Bills owner Ralph Wilson has been thrilled with the coaching job turned in by Dick Jauron, going so far as to call Jauron "the second-best coach in franchise history," behind Marv Levy, and ahead of notable coaches like Lou Saban and Chuck Knox. • With roughly $40 million under the salary cap at their disposal this offseason, it's no surprise that the Niners have their sights set on more than a few potential free agents, although we hear they still plan on being very careful working this year's market. Two names that continue to be frequently mentioned on the Niners' rumor mill are Ravens SLB Adalius Thomas and Bills CB Nate Clements. Not sure if anyone posted this already.. if they did i apologize
  15. I will say it seems that our defense is the complete opposite it was the last couple years. Under Jerry Gray we seemed to blitz ALL the time. Sometimes it worked wonders (couple years we had some of the best defenses), other times we got burned big. It definitely seems like we never blitz anymore. Or very rarely. Maybe the coaching staff was worried if we took more guys to put pressure on young he could elude them and pick up big yards? It did seem like Young had a lot of time in the pocket throughout the game. And in many situations, third down especially, he made us pay with all that time hitting a couple no name wide receivers for big yardage.
  16. I went to school in Saratoga and used to go to Peabody's or Stadium Cafe.. They show all the games. Lots of big TV's. Probably a half hour ride for you though. But they're definitely nice places to watch the games.. Check out www.thesaratogalife.com if you want to get their exact addresses.
  17. Thankfully you were right. I remember the end of high school I had a friend who would buy Genesee Cream Ale. We thought the kid was nuts.. Really, since he could tolerate drinking that stuff, he looked kinda smart. He did it so no one else would steal his beers at the party. Obviously in HS beers were tougher to come by and everyone would carry theirs around with them. Not this guy, he'd leave em in the middle of the party, no one went near that stuff. As for the season, it'd still be a success... Better than anyone thought.. And I'd say we learned we have some serious young and upcoming talent. Even the OLine has made a turn for the better. However, being 7 - 7 with 2 weeks go to, id still be disappointed knowing we couldn't come up with some playoff feeling type wins. These are the games playoff teams win.
  18. Read the whole thread. I am a season ticket holder. I had a friend come home from Iraq a week ago and offered to give him my tickets. Thought it'd be a nice patriotic thing to do. Especially around the holidays. Normally, if it wasn't Christmas eve I'd just by another ticket. However, going to the game involves atleast 4 hours before hand, and a solid 3 to 4 hours after, making it a 12 hour day. We all know Orchard Park is a lot further than an hour from Rochester on Sundays. So on Xmas eve I'd rather cruise down a quick hour drive each way, watch the game, and still be home to spend the evening with my family. Now if I wasn't a season ticket holder, I think i'd deserve plenty of bashing for wanting to drive an 60 miles in a different direction to watch the game. Based on the circumstances I think I've more than justified myself. I can only line Ralph's pockets so much.. Wish I had the money to buy every ticket, or the team for that matter.. Maybe someday...
  19. Thanks for the information. I'll give that site a shot. I called a bar down in Watkins Glen and they said they get bills black outs. I figure thats about an hour from Rochester. I may shoot down there then.
  20. I've heard about people doing that different address with DirecTV.. anyone know if the game will be on in the corning area? According to this map it looks like it does. I gave my two tickets away to a friend who just got back from Iraq. Normally I'd just buy two more but with it being Christmas eve I cant spend 12 hours going to the actual game.. Was thinking about shooting down there somewhere to watch it if possible. That'd only waste about 6 hours.. Which is more reasonable... I guess I'd like to know where the closest place to Rochester is that gets the game on television. Now I know people will say "just go to the game" but again then I spend 4 hours before, 4 hours there, and 3 hours after because of all the traffic, tailgating etc which does not play well in to my family plans. http://www.gribblenation.net/nflmaps/16-CBS-E.gif
  21. I would never watch NFL Football again. I doubt I could ever be serious about college football either. So my Football days would be done. We'd forever be haunted with memories of wide rights and music city miracles with no hope of ever reaching the promise land. It's the worst thing that could ever happen to us. Maybe Ralph can divy the company up in to 800,000 shares valued at $1000 buxx each and we can all spend any penny saved and buy the Bills.. That'd be great.. Although it'd never happen. If they move I guess i'd follow hockey more.. Maybe go to Church on sunday mornings? I dont know what the hell I'd do on Sunday mornings.. What do non football fans do on Sundays? Maybe I could take up hunting? Anyone know when hunting season starts? It'd be a real shame...
  22. Just a thought but I was wondering if this is allowed.. Obviously the Bills/Fins game this weekend may not have huge playoff implications although both teams are still mathematically alive. But if the game doesn't sell out by Thursday at 1pm, is it possible for Ralph to buy up the tickets and donate them to, say, less fortunate kids in Buffalo so the game can be on television? It'd be a great publicity stunt right around the holidays. And a Bills/Dolphins game not on television in late December just seems like a crime against humanity. Ok well maybe not that severe but.. I for one will be at the game as usual but I didn't know if this was a possibility. I know sometimes corporations have bought the tickets up. I didn't know if the actual owner was allowed to...
  23. I think the time switch of this game will definitely make it impossible to sell this game out now. Although losing to the Chargers probably will hurt sales for the last two games as well because our playoff hopes are not even minute now. I just find it ironic that there's been all this talk of moving a team to L.A., Ralph is complaining about revenue sharing, and then the NFL goes and gives the Bills four home games after Thanksgiving which I dont think has ever happened before. Obviously it's going to be incredibly difficult for a small market team with some of the worst weather to sell out the second half of the season during a year where our playoff potential was minimal at best in the beginning. Now the time change to make it even MORE difficult to sell this game out. From what I've read the Bills don't generally like primetime games (Sunday or Monday Night), or even late afternoon games because so many fans do come from so far away. Hence regional team. Seems like the Bills had a lot stacked against them this year as far as maximizing profits. Although I suppose the solution to this is put a winning team on the field and it'd be significantly easier to sell out games no matter when they were. Hopefully Marv can accomplish that.
  24. I think we should also keep in mind that on top of returning from an injury, didn't Takeo change positions this year? I believe he went from the weak side to the strong side. Doesn't that usually mean there's more traffic on that side? I definitely agree we don't see as much from Spikes. But I think we see more from him frmo the strong side than we ever did from Posey. I also think this cover 2 defense we run gives Spikes way less opportunity to make big plays. Under Jerry Gray we were always running different zone blitzes which seemed to give Spikes more opportunity to wreak havoc.. Just my thoughts but I think there's other positions we can use an upgrade at first.
  25. Based on my dealings with Time Warner, I hope the company goes bankrupt. I am definitely debating switching to Direct TV. Whenever my cable or internet goes down, (which happens way too often), I have to wait in excess of 20 minutes on hold to get a customer service representative, and then they have to send a tech out during a "4 hour window". So I have to sit home for four hours to get my cable fixed because their service sucks. They won't even call me 15 minutes before they show up so I dont have to waste half my day. The best is the time the tech supposedly knocked on my door to install the cable and claimed no one was home even though there was eight of us at the house. Then they said they didn't have appointments until 2 weeks after that. I also went to a local TW station to get something settled with my bill and the woman was being completely disrespectful. When I emphasized that I'm the one paying them the money and she could try to be more civil and cusotmer oriented with me, she said she's "not a customer service representative" and therefore didn't need to treat me right. So to end this rant, my experience with TW is generally negative, this doesn't surprise me that they'd be stubborn on this. And I think in the long run they'd be losing out on this move. Monday night football on ESPN is the biggest cable show on television. Time Warner makes plenty of money selling cable advertising on that network and I bet it'd be no different on the NFL Network on Thursday nights as well. If there was a list of the worst companies in the U.S. I could make a great case of TW being on it.
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